Metamaquina 2 - fully parametric 3D printer (Beta version)
This is a 3d printer project that is completely designed using the parametric CAD tools provided by OpenSCAD. In order to deal with this source code you'll need to install OpenSCAD, following the instructions at:
The main structure of the machine is built using lasercut MDF panels. The curves for lasercutting can be exported to DXF by rendering the lasercutter_panel*.scad files. Open each of these files in OpenSCAD, press F6 (to compile) and then click Design->Export DXF. The resulting DXF files can be used to cut 6mm thick MDF sheets (or you can change the thickness in the source if you plan to work with some other materials).
The complete 3D model of the machine is described by the Metamaquina2Beta.scad file. Open is in OpenSCAD and press F5 to render it.
Feel free to send us pull requests at if you make any change to this design that you consider worth sharing with us.
happy hacking, Felipe Sanches R&D director at