- New York, NY, USA
- http://blog.micahchalmer.net/
mm-wordgame-public Public
Scrabble-like game I created as a home project
TypeScript UpdatedJan 24, 2023 -
sync-yarnlock-into-packagejson Public
Forked from vasilevich/sync-yarnlock-into-packagejsonJavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2019 -
ts-jest Public
Forked from kulshekhar/ts-jestTypeScript preprocessor with sourcemap support for Jest
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 30, 2019 -
mr-sparkle Public
Runs Unicorn, automatically reloading the application, but not bundled gems. Based on namelessjon's "Magical Reloading Sparkles."
rust-mode Public
Forked from rust-lang/rust-modeEmacs configuration for Rust
Emacs Lisp UpdatedNov 1, 2016 -
diesel Public
Forked from diesel-rs/dieselA safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 4, 2016 -
rustfmt Public
Forked from rust-lang/rustfmtFormat Rust code
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 28, 2016 -
melpa Public
Forked from melpa/melpaScripts for building Emacs packages from Version Control
Emacs Lisp Other UpdatedFeb 1, 2015 -
rust-fuse Public
Forked from zargony/fuse-rsRust FUSE - Filesystem in Userspace. Please note: this is a fork from @zargony's version, and I will be working from that going forward. For my original version that was based on libfuse instead of…
rust Public
Forked from rust-lang/rusta safe, concurrent, practical language
Rust Other UpdatedMar 13, 2014 -
grunt-readme-generator Public
Forked from threewordphrase/grunt-readme-generatorA grunt task to generate a dynamic readme.md from partial markdown files in readme folder. Specifically designed for GitHub projects!
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 15, 2014 -
rust-fuse-mc-original Public
An interface to FUSE (filesystem in userspace) for rust. Please note that I'm no longer working on this version and will be working based on @zargony's repo that reimplemented libfuse in rust instead.
SCION Public
Forked from jbeard4/SCIONStateCharts Interpretation and Optimization eNgine
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 11, 2013 -
copyMyFilesAlready Public
A bit of "me-ware"--utilities I used when trying to pull together a bunch of files on a collection of old hard disks
Python UpdatedJul 27, 2013 -
timecop Public
Forked from travisjeffery/timecopA gem providing "time travel", "time freezing", and "time acceleration" capabilities, making it dead simple to test time-dependent code. It provides a unified method to mock Time.now, Date.today, a…
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2013 -
jquery-stopwatch Public
Forked from robcowie/jquery-stopwatchA jQuery plugin that renders a count-up clock from a defined start time
JavaScript UpdatedJan 13, 2013 -
A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2012 -
nesta-plugin-linkable Public
Forked from pengwynn/nesta-plugin-linkableEasy link posts for Nesta CMS
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2012 -
rbenv-rbx_2.0.0-dev_fix Public
Forked from collinschaafsma/rbenv-rbx_2.0.0-dev_fixrbenv plugin that fixes up your shims and sets your RBENV_COMMAND_PATH properly for rbx-2.0.0-dev in 1.9 mode
Shell MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2012 -
nestacms.com Public
Forked from gma/nestacms.comThe web site for Nesta CMS
Ruby UpdatedApr 6, 2012 -
git-ftp Public
Forked from ezyang/git-ftpA quick and efficient way of pushing changed files to a website via FTP
Python UpdatedFeb 26, 2012 -
eli_setlist_generator Public
Eli's Setlist Generator: Generate a set list from a list of songs, using only allowed song transitions
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2012