I am using following command
ffmpeg -i transcodedA.mp4 -i sourceA.mxf -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]scale2ref=flags=bicubic[encoded][source];[source]format=pix_fmts=yuv420p,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[source2];[encoded]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[encoded1];[encoded1][source2]libvmaf=feature='name=psnr|name=float_ssim|name=float_ms_ssim':n_threads=4:log_fmt=json:log_path=A10-20.json" -f null -
The same command when I run again, the vmaf differs slightly in decimals and some times even by 1%
When I checked deeper by comparing frame level metrics, I noticed following
- both source and transcoded videos have 480 frame count and same fps
- In output frame level metrics one of the execution returned last frame no. as 459, while other as 447. I have attached both files in this ticket.
Note: vmaf and other metrics were consistent till frame no. 447. So that means it was delta of frames that caused difference in final vmaf.
I do not understand why in both execution frame count didnt went till 480?
Why in both execution end frame count is different. Is it a bug in vmaf lib?
ffmpeg version: n7.0.1
vmaf: v2.3.1
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