This Excel VBA-based form was created for a simulated use case where users can enter structured data, select a PDF file, and store everything in an Excel sheet while managing files in a specified folder (local or SharePoint).
Here is how the main Overview looks, featuring two buttons at the top and displaying the previously entered information, including links to the associated files:
And this is the form that opens after clicking the 'New Entry' button:

- Click "NEW entry" → Opens a user-friendly VBA form.
- Enter key details:
- Title → Free text field (must be unique).
- Date → Selected from a date field.
- Duration → Number input (years).
- Category → Selected from a dropdown.
- Organisation → Selected from a dropdown (option to add new).
- Project Lead → Multi-selection list (option to add new).
- Click "Choose your PDF file & SAVE" →
- The selected PDF file is moved from its original location to a designated folder (local or SharePoint).
- All entered data is recorded in the Excel sheet.
- Click "Open SharePoint" to directly access the folder with stored PDFs.
- Each saved entry in Excel has a hyperlinked file path, allowing users to open the specific document with one click.
- The selected PDF is automatically moved to a specified storage location.
- Original file is deleted from its initial folder to ensure a single source of truth.
- The target folder can be either:
- ✅ A local directory (as shown in the example).
- ✅ A SharePoint folder (requires integration—see details below).
- The VBA script checks for duplicate Titles before saving data.
- If a duplicate is found, an error message appears, preventing redundant entries.
- This feature is useful for real-world applications where unique record-keeping is required (e.g., project tracking, contract management).
- Form Labels → Feel free to rename labels in the form as needed.
- Input Fields → The form includes a variety of field types to demonstrate versatility:
Text field → Title
Date picker → Date
Number input → Duration
Dropdown lists → Category, Organisation
Multi-selection list → Project Lead (supports adding new entries)
You can create dependent dropdowns, where the second dropdown’s options depend on the first dropdown’s selection.
Example: If Category ="IT & Software"
, then the Subcategory dropdown should only show:
-"Software Development"
-"IT Support"
```vba Private Sub Category_Change() Dim selectedCategory As String selectedCategory = Me.Category.Value ' Clear Subcategory dropdown Me.Subcategory.Clear ' Populate Subcategory based on Category selection Select Case selectedCategory Case "IT & Software" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Software Development" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Cybersecurity" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "IT Support" Case "Marketing" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "SEO" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Content Strategy" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Branding" Case "Finance" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Accounting" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Investments" Me.Subcategory.AddItem "Budgeting" End Select End Sub ```
- Sheet Protection →
- To prevent accidental edits, consider protecting the sheet while allowing VBA modifications.
- Important: If the sheet is protected, don’t forget to add a password in the VBA code for unlocking before data entry.
- Send an email notification when a new entry is saved
Sub SendEmailNotification()
Dim OutlookApp As Object
Dim MailItem As Object
Dim recipient As String
Dim subject As String
Dim body As String
' Set email details
recipient = "[email protected]" ' Change to desired recipient
subject = "New Entry Created in Excel Form"
body = "A new entry has been added to the Excel database." & vbNewLine & _
"Title: " & Range("A2").Value & vbNewLine & _
"Category: " & Range("B2").Value & vbNewLine & _
"Check the document at: " & Range("C2").Hyperlinks(1).Address
' Create Outlook application and send email
Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailItem = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0)
With MailItem
.To = recipient
.Subject = subject
.Body = body
End With
' Cleanup
Set MailItem = Nothing
Set OutlookApp = Nothing
End Sub
If you want to store files in SharePoint instead of a local folder, follow these modifications:
- Open the SharePoint folder where you want to save files.
- Copy the full URL path to the document library.
Modify the file move logic in VBA:
If Not (CheckSharedDrive(driveLetter)) Then
MapSharepointToDrive (driveLetter)
End If
reName = " Documents/YourFolder/" & title & ".pdf"
NameExcel = " Documents/YourFolder/" & title & ".pdf"
'Store the User Name
' AddedBy = Application.UserName
' With Sheets("Overview").Cells(65536, 7).End(xlUp)
' .Offset(1, 0) = AddedBy
' .Font.Name = "RWE Sans"
' End With
sharepointFolder = " Documents/YourFolder/"
x = Shell("C:\Windows\Explorer.exe /n,/e,""A:/YourSite/Shared Documents/YourFolder/""", vbNormalFocus)