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Monthly community metrics report for 2024-10-01..2024-10-31 #16941



Issue Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 1 day, 2:31:43 14:19:16 2 days, 15:05:02
Time to close 3 days, 4:00:51 23:10:34 9 days, 21:33:55
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 21
Number of items closed 15
Number of most active mentors 0
Total number of items created 36
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close
OrchardCore.Workflows Publish Content task does not publish content #16939 AmyBlaine 22:43:36 None
ElasticSearch Query NRE when Query is not valid #16938 Skrypt 15:07:07 1 day, 13:43:18
Localize BagPart not working #16937 hishamco 22:19:44 None
ElasticSearch Query Result not displaying anymore #16933 Skrypt 0:17:11 23:10:34
IUserTimeZoneService no longer caches user requests #16932 deanmarcussen 4:39:10 None
Data Type Mismatch Issue After Upgrade from 1.6.0 to 1.7.2 #16931 naomi-earle 1 day, 3:36:18 None
How to make TermParts of Taxonomy paginated in Orchard Core,please? #16930 effapp None 22:01:33
Migrate IContentDefinitionEventHandler to the new IContentDefinitionHandler #16926 MikeAlhayek None None
Sms Message should be sent to Phone Number #16924 infofromca None 2:11:05
sort and where liquid filters stopped working #16922 MichaelPetrinolis 1 day, 5:36:30 None
Do not attempt to connect to REDIS server during startup #16918 MikeAlhayek 1 day, 11:55:12 None
After I enable openid, 2FA will appear when the registered user is enabled, and after verifying 2FA, I cannot jump back to the url client that was originally requested #16917 onestar1 0:52:36 None
Feature / Security permissions: Attached media #16912 MikeKry 1 day, 20:17:49 None
Draftable checkbox cannot be disabled (Save Draft button cannot be removed) #16907 barbababak 10:06:14 10:39:02
Why can't I run the inheritance strupbase when creating a module? #16906 onestar1 None 0:37:54
Remove any default implementations from interfaces #16905 MikeAlhayek 0:33:25 None
"Thanks" issue type to let people express their thanks #16894 Piedone None 2 days, 20:26:59
Remove old actions related to External Authentication #16893 MikeAlhayek None None
Seal Handlers #16892 MikeAlhayek None None
Azure email provider can't handle display names in email addresses #16888 BenedekFarkas None 12 days, 20:28:11
Sealed TextFieldDisplayDriver in 2.0 makes upgrading difficult #16886 brunoAltinet 3:09:02 None
After resuming a Workflow with a Timer, Workflow.Input["ContentItem"] won't return the content item #16885 chinasqzl 2 days, 16:29:31 None
GraphQL Breaks on Orchard Core Version 2.0.2 When Querying Multiple termContentItems #16883 vikasmahant69 3 days, 6:29:06 None
Recipe step -> OpenIdServerSettings -> AccessTokenFormat doesn't work #16879 hieucd04 4:35:06 12 days, 0:27:06
Publish or save or delete content will cause the application crash and shut down #16877 gaojianzhuang 13:31:25 None
Remove has_claims filter for legacy permissions #16870 sebastienros None None
Frontend menu disappear when enable localization for the frontend menu #16869 gaojianzhuang 2:22:45 1:01:38
ScriptManager.Evaluate method does not cast variables #16856 emrahtokalak 1 day, 7:05:44 None
Removing tenant with SQLite DB fails due to the DB file being locked #16849 Piedone 1:35:06 6 days, 17:14:08
"The node already has a parent." exception when setting JsonNode in Workflows ForEach Task #16846 zl2fxy 2 days, 10:55:12 None
Consider X-Forwarded-For for IP because we used app.UseForwardedHeaders(); for Reverse Proxy #16844 infofromca 2 days, 13:40:32 2 days, 20:47:42
In Auto setup, when IsUninitialized, response http status code 409 #16833 infofromca 6 days, 1:43:21 None
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.JsonOptions uses default instead of OC JOptions settings #16831 wAsnk 3:00:17 5 days, 0:33:23
Unable to initialise multitenancy to the Blazor App #16829 LeonardCalhoun2024 4:33:28 5:25:56
Upgrade GraphQL to 8.x.x #16826 Piedone None None
Separate admin setup user from orchardcore.users feature. #16817 giannik 2:29:22 21:24:15

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:OrchardCMS/OrchardCore is:issue created:2024-10-01..2024-10-31 -reason:"not planned" -label:"community metrics"

Pull Request Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 11:36:39 2:51:01 23:36:59
Time to close 2 days, 9:06:48 16:59:05 9 days, 0:11:43
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 8
Number of items closed 63
Number of most active mentors 0
Total number of items created 71
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close
Migrate the OpenID module to OpenIddict 6.0 #16929 kevinchalet None None
Bump vue from 2.6.14 to 3.0.0 in /src/OrchardCore.Modules/OrchardCore.Resources #16927 dependabot[bot] 23:01:42 None
Sms Message should be sent to Phone Number #16925 infofromca 0:01:09 2:10:07
Fix CSS style in the admin menu #16923 MikeAlhayek 15:51:27 None
A website uses openid to access B website (Orchard core) to fix the i… #16921 onestar1 7:37:07 None
Fix elasticsearch NRE when no results are found. #16919 PBMikeW 18:04:53 9 days, 21:36:51
Check for elastic settings before updating. #16915 PBMikeW 11:33:56 8 days, 10:53:58
Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /src/OrchardCore.Modules/OrchardCore.AuditTrail #16914 dependabot[bot] None 10:00:54
Add JsonStringEnumConverter to KnownConverters #16913 hishamco 0:49:21 5 days, 20:56:29
Auto Attach the DashboardPart to content types with DashboardWidget stereotype #16911 MikeAlhayek 3 days, 1:00:54 12 days, 20:33:44
Fix content type draftable settings #16910 MikeAlhayek None 0:33:38
Add elasticsearch _score and highlights to ElasticsearchQueryResult #16909 denispetrische 3:18:00 None
Add Highlight and score #16908 denispetrische None None
Allow specifying no group to render a shape #16904 MikeAlhayek 1:09:22 18:47:12
Allow specifying no group to render a shape #16903 MikeAlhayek None None
add denispetrische as a contributor for code #16902 allcontributors[bot] None 18:05:03
support .webm filetype in media extensions #16901 giannik 0:32:49 1:10:27
Add thanks issue template, and improve the bug and feature request templates (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-205) #16900 Piedone 19:47:46 1 day, 1:42:28
Allow Admin to disable Two-Factor Authentication #16899 MikeAlhayek 0:23:03 1:56:49
fix: added IsNew and TypePartDefinition to viewmodel #16898 brunoAltinet 7 days, 7:54:27 None
Seal ModularTenantEvents & DeploymentSourceBase implementations #16897 hishamco 7:57:15 None
Use ElasticsearchConstants.DefaultAnalyzer when it's possible #16896 hishamco 8:53:36 10:17:08
Support multiple groupIds in shape result #16895 MikeAlhayek 23:36:59 1 day, 0:33:39
Minor changes to recent PRs #16891 MikeAlhayek 11:07:37 16:59:05
Improve the scrolling in BagPart Sorting #16890 MikeAlhayek 2:51:01 3:31:02
Email.Azure: Deconstructing email addresses that include a display name (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-204) #16889 BenedekFarkas 0:19:20 12 days, 20:16:26
Handle Default Authentication using events #16884 MikeAlhayek 13:41:28 9 days, 20:08:20
Fix "The node already has a parent." exception when setting JsonNode in Workflows ForEach Task #16882 zl2fxy 2 days, 0:25:25 None
Bump NodaTime from 3.1.12 to 3.2.0 in /src/OrchardCore/OrchardCore in the all-dependencies group #16881 dependabot[bot] 9:03:19 9:11:24
Elasticsearch geo location type addition #16880 PBMikeW 21:16:44 3 days, 18:16:46
Fix accessibility issue in notification widget #16875 DrewBrasher 2:09:56 2:10:03
Add InvariantGlobalization to csproj #16873 hishamco 1 day, 1:18:22 None
Cleanup OptionsFluidParser Helper #16872 MikeAlhayek 2 days, 0:09:28 2 days, 17:30:39
Fixing outdated description of the OrchardCore.Email feature #16871 BenedekFarkas 0:07:40 3 days, 15:52:51
React to the Recipe Steps changes #16867 hishamco 0:05:07 15:00:30
Simplify how to check if the user is an admin #16866 MikeAlhayek 0:04:00 20:40:04
Don't use JObject.Merge in OpenId module #16865 hishamco 0:09:50 9:33:02
Add an important note to 2.1.0 release docs #16864 MikeAlhayek 1:20:45 6:25:49
Fix the has_claim Liquid filter #16863 MikeAlhayek 0:19:39 1:48:13
Apply Template pattern for Recipe Steps #16862 MikeAlhayek 5:10:07 5:46:55
Add Widget alternates for alias and slug #16860 giannik 8:03:16 2 days, 15:07:19
Set image alt attribute to empty string if media text is null or empty #16859 DrewBrasher 0:45:31 5:17:26
Fix that removing tenant with SQLite DB failed due to the DB file being locked (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-203) #16858 Piedone 0:21:38 5 days, 18:49:45
Update Microsoft.Extensions.Azure 1.7.6 #16854 hishamco 1:01:29 None
Update Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Resilience 8.10.0 #16853 hishamco 1:04:13 None
Update PdfPig 0.1.9 #16852 hishamco 3:00:28 None
Update Microsoft.Identity.Web 3.2.1 #16851 hishamco 3:03:50 None
Update Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect 8.1.1 #16850 hishamco 0:04:23 None
alias and slug alternates for widgets too #16848 giannik 17:32:30 None
.NET 8.0.10 #16847 agriffard 0:10:25 0:10:30
Consider X-Forwarded-For for IP because we used app.UseForwardedHeaders(); for Reverse Proxy #16845 infofromca 7:21:47 None
Add support of Elasticsearch Token Filters #16843 denispetrische 6:14:46 10 days, 9:05:42
Introduce DeploymentSourceBase to simplify DeploymentSource #16842 hishamco 15:15:23 2 days, 21:24:08
Don't use JsonObject.Merge() in Azure AD Deployment Source #16841 hishamco 2:26:37 3:23:39
Remove data protection keys from Azure blob storage when deleting tenant #16839 microposmp 17:33:54 2 days, 0:59:23
Fix the order of 2.1 release notes #16838 MikeAlhayek None 19:01:36
Don't configure JsonOptions by default #16837 MikeAlhayek 0:17:39 4 days, 16:15:46
Configure both Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Json.JsonOptions & Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.JsonOptions using DocumentJsonSerializerOptions defaults #16836 hishamco 1:57:15 None
Update to prevent issues between oc and blazor routing #16835 psijkof 0:10:41 1:32:36
In Auto setup, when IsUninitialized, response http status code 503 #16834 infofromca 0:25:56 None
Update libphonenumber-csharp to v8.13.47 (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-202) #16830 Piedone 1 day, 8:48:25 2 days, 6:03:13
Use Ulid instead of Guid for better PERF #16828 hishamco 4:40:27 None
Fixing Dependabot updates (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-202) #16827 Piedone 0:21:32 11:08:30
Bump the all-dependencies group across 1 directory with 4 updates #16825 dependabot[bot] 0:25:06 None
Bump the all-dependencies group with 5 updates #16824 dependabot[bot] None None
Revert "Batch Dependabot updates per directories (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-202)" #16823 Piedone None 0:00:09
Bump the all-dependencies group across 2 directories with 5 updates #16822 dependabot[bot] 0:20:38 0:38:37
Fix dockerfile #16821 sebastienros 0:24:11 22:34:55
Batch Dependabot updates per directories (Lombiq Technologies: OCORE-202) #16820 Piedone 0:33:20 0:53:15
separate admin user setup from orchardcore.users feature #16818 giannik None None
Clarify the 2.0 release notes #16814 MikeAlhayek 0:36:59 1:23:54

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:OrchardCMS/OrchardCore is:pr created:2024-10-01..2024-10-31 -label:dontmerge -label:notready -is:draft

Discussion Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 17:50:20 5:20:29 2 days, 9:26:52
Time to answer 2 days, 17:38:44 1 day, 3:16:19 6 days, 23:20:04
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 10
Number of most active mentors 0
Total number of items created 13
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to answer
Blazor web assembly components in cms output templates #16928 None 1 day, 20:49:43 None
azure search not working #16936 None 0:15:50 None
How add a custom layout and switch different layout for the content? #16878 None 18:15:51 None
How to get visible text from flow part,please? #16916 None 2 days, 9:26:52 None
SignalR and Orchard Core 1.8.2, how to use the ChatHub with a JWT Bearer provided by the Orchard Core OpenIddict module #16887 None 6:25:38 2 days, 0:30:10
User Role change Events #16920 None 0:19:40 0:20:37
Changing Themes Creates Issues #16868 None 5:20:29 None
Retrieving the list of media files from the database #16855 None 2:04:38 6 days, 20:54:37
OC 2.0 override the JSON serialization settings in workflowcontroller #16861 None None None
Custom validation on TitlePart #16816 None 2 days, 9:48:43 7 days, 1:45:31
How To Render the Current Site Theme On My Home Page #16840 None 0:54:40 6:02:28
OC 2.0 and Taxonomy Autoroute liquid patterns #16832 None 2:31:33 4:18:58
Placements confusion - help? One widget affecting another widget #16813 None None None

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
Search query used to find these items: repo:OrchardCMS/OrchardCore type:discussions created:2024-10-01..2024-10-31 category:Q&A


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