![Image of OgarConsole] (http://i.imgur.com/iM539GC.png)
OgarConsole Supports
- Ogar
- Ogar Unlimited 11.9.0 or older
- Ogar Unlimited latest
- Ogar Plus
#####If you are running the latest Ogar Unlimited, Use the in-game command plugin install to install. Usage below
plugin install OgarConsole ######If that doesn work use plugin add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AJS-development/OgarUL-Plugin-Library/master/OgarConsole-Installer/files.txt
- Install Ogar and run Ogar and make sure the server starts without OgarConsole support
- Upload OgarConsole files to Ogar ./src game directory.
- Run command 'npm install' in your Ogar file directory where OgarConsole was placed.
- Start OgarConsole by running the startconsole.bat file
Open your browser to the location http://localhost:1000
Refer to Configuration on how to setup OgarConsole login auth approval
= Enter password on OgarConsole connecting. Needed for OgarConsole use.
= Logout of OgarConsole when not using.
Open cmd.js
= OgarConsole connection port.
= Abilities to execute cmd commands (NOT RECOMMENDED TO ENABLE!).
= Console log is needed. Enable serverLogLevel in game configuration.
= Ogar start file. The main file that runs Ogar.
= Should require OgarConsole package.json file. Please make sure that it is included in the directory.
= Require password for OgarConsole use.
= OgarConsole password that will be used to login into OgarConsole if requirePassword = true
Bypass password on localhost and ogar.ml connections.
When OgarConsole is running and you have connected to http://localhost:1000 type help in cmd to read help & commands of Ogar. By default OgarConsole requires a password on connecting. enter '-password OgarConsole123' to login into Ogar Console
You have been ripped off of buying OgarConsole and you should get a refund. OgarConsole is a free to use plugin.
Not even necassary. This is free to use. Free for you