Born on June 21, 2006, Baloo is my feathered child, an Amazona Aestiva. She/he has been close to me since the beginning of my data engineering journey.
This repository was intended to be used as internal resource for data engineering purposes at a European Pet Insurance company. The name was my colleagues' idea after meeting Baloo.
Thank you Wiem and Mohamed
Here you will find various Python scripts, where the name of the file refers to what you will find inside.
Python module to read from aws secret manager service example:
aws_secrets = get_secret('secret_name')
key_value = aws_secrets['key_name']
Python library to make to read a config.ini file
example of ini file:
kinesis_data_stream = collection-ga_web_traffic
ga4_properties_id = {
'Santevet_BE': '111111111',
'Santevet_DE': '222222222',
'Santevet_ES': '333333333',
'Santevet_FR': '444444444'}
example to have the value of kinesis_data_stream
config_parser = get_config(bucket_name,key_name)
kinesis_data_stream_value = config_parser.get('ga_web_traffic', 'kinesis_data_stream')
Glue crawler module.
is a function to trigger a scheduler of an existing crawler using his name at the parameter of the function
is a function to send records to a kinesis data stream using like a parameter a json record and the kinesis stream name
Python module for mysql database
is a function to connect and execute queries at mysql database using like parameters the query, the host name, user's name , the password and the database name
Python module to connect to quicksight
is a function to launch a refresh of a spice in quicksight using spice_dataset_id and the aws_account_id like parameters
Python module to manage different actions in s3 like :
is a function to save a dataframe in s3 as a parquet file
is a function to save a dataframe in s3 as a csv file adding optionally the separator, the header and the quotechar
is a function to save a dataframe in s3 as a json file adding the force_ascii the lines like an option
is a function to read from s3
is a function to read from s3 an excel file
is a function to delete an object from s3 bucket
is a function to read a folder from s3 bucket
Python module to send notification at a slack channel
default_args = {
'owner': 'Santevet',
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': - timedelta(days=2),
'provide_context': True,
'catchup': False,
'retries': 3,
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1),
'on_failure_callback': slack_fail_alert
Python module for sql server database
is a function to connect to sql server database
is a function to connect and execute queries at sql server database using like parameters the query, the host name, user's name , the password and the database name
Python module to convert a dataframe to a csv file and to send it by mail