Here I publish my LeetCode
Officially this repository starts at the date 18th May, 2022.
The goal is to solve AT LEAST 2 problems, and AT MOST 3 problems, per day.
For guidance on what problems to solve, I will use the following guides on the dashboard of LeetCode
These are my steps,
- Finish all the study plans as outlined,
SQL Study Plan
,Binary Search Study Plan
,14 Days Study Plan To Crack Algo
, and so on - Approach questions by
filtered by difficulty inDESCENDING
order (starting fromHARD
Please follow the steps and copy the following template to generate a folder for a new problem.
Create a folder with the following format,
Create a
in the folder -
Fill the
with the following template for the content,# <PROBLEM_NUMBER>. <PROBLEM_NAME> (<PROBLEM_DIFFICULTY>) ## Table Of Contents - [<PROBLEM_NUMBER>. <PROBLEM_NAME> (<PROBLEM_DIFFICULTY>)](#problem_number-problem_name-problem_difficulty) - [Table Of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Link](#link) - [Description](#description) - [Hints](#hints) - [Result Details](#result-details) ## Link Problem can be found [here]( ## Description ... ## Hints ... ## Result Details ...
Copy paste the material starting from
in the description -
Copy paste the
orFollow Up
After solving, share the output generated by
for time and space complexity underResult Details
Create a file called
in the respective folder, copy paste results
If you like what I am doing, please star
or fork
. Thanks!
0297-serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree |
0297-serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree |
0329-longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix |
0127-word-ladder |
0297-serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree |
0329-longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix |
0295-find-median-from-data-stream |
0297-serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree |
0297-serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree |
0020-valid-parentheses |
0032-longest-valid-parentheses |
0042-trapping-rain-water |
0084-largest-rectangle-in-histogram |
0085-maximal-rectangle |
0150-evaluate-reverse-polish-notation |
0044-wildcard-matching |
0025-reverse-nodes-in-k-group |
0044-wildcard-matching |
0012-integer-to-roman |
0013-roman-to-integer |
0030-substring-with-concatenation-of-all-words |
0041-first-missing-positive |
0076-minimum-window-substring |
0127-word-ladder |
0149-max-points-on-a-line |
0030-substring-with-concatenation-of-all-words |
0076-minimum-window-substring |
0329-longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix |
0329-longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix |
0329-longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix |
0085-maximal-rectangle |
0221-maximal-square |
0329-longest-increasing-path-in-a-matrix |
0149-max-points-on-a-line |
0023-merge-k-sorted-lists |
0295-find-median-from-data-stream |
3555-final-array-state-after-k-multiplication-operations-i |
0067-add-binary |
2324-find-triangular-sum-of-an-array |
3555-final-array-state-after-k-multiplication-operations-i |
0026-remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array |
0027-remove-element |
0042-trapping-rain-water |
0295-find-median-from-data-stream |
0042-trapping-rain-water |
0084-largest-rectangle-in-histogram |
0085-maximal-rectangle |
0315-count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self |
0023-merge-k-sorted-lists |
0315-count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self |
0315-count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self |
0315-count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self |
0023-merge-k-sorted-lists |
0315-count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self |
0315-count-of-smaller-numbers-after-self |
0023-merge-k-sorted-lists |
0025-reverse-nodes-in-k-group |
0295-find-median-from-data-stream |
0295-find-median-from-data-stream |
0051-n-queens |
0052-n-queens-ii |
2324-find-triangular-sum-of-an-array |
0067-add-binary |
0175-combine-two-tables |
0181-employees-earning-more-than-their-managers |