I find if I set [EXEMPLAR_SIZE=128, INSTANCE_SIZE=256 ], sometimes it will failed to track when I track an UAV ,because the UAV is small and moves quickly.
if I set [EXEMPLAR_SIZE=128, INSTANCE_SIZE=512 ] , it could track well, but every frame will cost too much time. the FPS will<25 so that I can't use it.
So I have to decrease the EXEMPLAR_SIZE, when I set [EXEMPLAR_SIZE=64, INSTANCE_SIZE=256 ] ,the code can't work . I find I have to reset the score_size by BASE_SIZE . Now the code could work but the result is bad. the box is wrong when several frames went.
I am a chinese , if someone of your team is chinese, we can speak in chinese ,because i am afraid i can't express myself exactly.
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