A safe driving app for friends
- Clientside
- React
- Redux
- Immutable
- Socket.io
- Serverside
- Node
- PostgreSQL
- Express
- Socket.io
- Utility
- Mocha
- Webpack
- Knex
- Ramda
Hello! So, you'd like to run Fleet in your local environment? Just a few easy steps!
First, make sure you've got postgres installed. If the 'postgres' terminal command is not recognized, ask Google how to install PostgreSQL.
- Clone or fork this repository
git clone https://github.com/ScriptInvaders/responsible/
- Install dependencies
npm install && npm install -g knex
- Start up a PostgreSQL server process. In a terminal on the project directory,
initdb db/ && postgres -D db/
- Create a database, apply our schema, and seed some data (adds interactivity)
createdb development && node lib/schema.js && knex seed:run
- Run the server
npm run dev-server
- Open your browser to localhost:1337