Swig Enhancements done #217
I am currently creating a SeisComp3 module. As I need some functions, I have locally modify the .i files to generate automatically new files .h, .cxx, .py via SWIG, and then recompile SeisCOMP3 in order to improve the python libraries. As a matter of fact, I need math functions as : fft,ifft, windowfunc, polygon, rotate, mean, trimmedmean, detrend, demean, other filters like abs, IIRintegrate, IIRdifferentiate..., seismology functions like magnitudes... I put in attached files the results. I also need Hilbert transform but as it was commented, i have done nothing
My module works but do you think it is possible to formalize these changes in seiscomp gitub? For example, we want to process data via the module in high performance computing, may it could be easier to have a "clean" version?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Alexandra Renouard, University of Strasbourg, France