Keep a local seismic catalog.
Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Claudio Satriano
SeisCat is a command line tool to keep a local seismic catalog. The local catalog can be used as a basis for further analyses.
The seismic catalog is built and updated by querying a FDSNWS event webservice or a local CSV file. More ways of feeding the catalog will be added in the future.
The local catalog is stored in a SQLite database (single file database).
π See below on how to install and get started.
π Check out the official documentation here.
To get help:
seiscat -h
First thing to do is to generate a sample configuration file:
seiscat sampleconfig
Then, edit the configuration file and init the database:
seiscat initdb
Alternatively, you can init the database from a CSV file:
seiscat initdb -f /path/to/your/catalog.csv
To update an existing database from an FDSN webservice, run:
seiscat updatedb
(This will use the configuration parameter recheck_period
to recheck the
last n days or hours).
Alternatively, you can update the database from a CSV file:
seiscat updatedb -f /path/to/your/catalog.csv
You can edit the attributes of specific events in the database using:
seiscat editdb
You can print the catalog to screen:
seiscat print
Or plot it:
seiscat plot
Each of the above commands can have its own options.
As an example, to discover the options for the plot
command, try:
seiscat plot -h
SeisCat supports command line tab completion for arguments, thanks to argcomplete. To enable command line tab completion run:
(This is a one-time command that needs to be run only once).
Or, alternatively, add the following line to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete seiscat)"
The latest release of SeisCat is available on the Python Package Index.
You can install it easily through pip
pip install seiscat
To upgrade from a previously installed version:
pip install --upgrade seiscat
Download the latest release from the
releases page,
in zip
or tar.gz
format, then:
pip install
pip install seiscat-X.Y.tar.gz
Where, X.Y
is the version number (e.g., 0.1
You don't need to uncompress the release files yourself.
If you need a recent feature that is not in the latest release (see the
section in CHANGELOG), you want to use the more
recent development snapshot from the
SeisCat GitHub repository.
The easiest way to install the most recent development snapshot is to download
and install it through pip
, using its builtin git
pip install git+
Run this command again, from times to times, to keep SeisCat updated with the development version.
If you want to take a look at the source code (and possibly modify it π),
clone the project using git
git clone
or, using SSH:
git clone
(avoid using the "Download ZIP" option from the green "Code" button, since version number is lost).
Then, go into the seiscat
main directory and install the code in "editable
mode" by running:
pip install -e .
You can keep your local SeisCat repository updated by running git pull
from times to times. Thanks to pip
's "editable mode", you don't need to
reinstall SeisCat after each update.
Please open an Issue.
Please open an Issue.
I'm very open to contributions: if you have new ideas, please open an Issue. Don't hesitate sending me pull requests with new features and/or bugfixes!