What happened?
after upgrading chromedriver from 131 to 132/133 on linux debian the following error appears: "session not created: probably user data directory is already in use, please specify a unique value for --user-data-dir argument, or don't use --user-data-dir"
Here below the options for phpwebdriver (php 8.3)
I tried '--headless=old', '--headless=new', or '--headless' => none working
I tried with or w/o "--user-data-dir=$usr_dir" => none working
How can we reproduce the issue?
$options = array(
'--disable-search-engine-choice-screen', //changed with 129, with 127 works without
$chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
$capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::chrome();
$capabilities->setCapability(ChromeOptions::CAPABILITY, $chromeOptions);
$driver = ChromeDriver::start($capabilities);
Relevant log output
looking at stacktrace
| string(512) "#0 0x5833d42dabea <unknown>
| #1 0x5833d3d787d0 <unknown>
| #2 0x5833d3db1c05 <unknown>
| #3 0x5833d3dad96f <unknown>
| #4 0x5833d3dfe3a9 <unknown>
| #5 0x5833d3dfd8d6 <unknown>
| #6 0x5833d3def863 <unknown>
| #7 0x5833d3dbbac8 <unknown>
| #8 0x5833d3dbcc31 <unknown>
| #9 0x5833d42a418b <unknown>
| #10 0x5833d42a8112 <unknown>
| #11 0x5833d429104c <unknown>
| #12 0x5833d42a8d04 <unknown>
| #13 0x5833d42754bf <unknown>
| #14 0x5833d42c9528 <unknown>
| #15 0x5833d42c96f9 <unknown>
| #16 0x5833d42d9a66 <unknown>
| #17 0x7306f4823134 <unknown>
| "
Operating System
debian linux
Selenium version
What are the browser(s) and version(s) where you see this issue?
googe-chrome 133
What are the browser driver(s) and version(s) where you see this issue?
chromedriver 133
Are you using Selenium Grid?
No response