sov is a text-editor agnostic tool to help you manage your personal knowledge notes.
Why all-in on a specific note-taking tool? The philosophy behind sov is to provide a set of basic features to help you manage your notes either through a CLI or a Language Server. You can then use your editor of choice to write/edit/view your notes: Neovim, VSCode, Zed, ...
Disclaimer: sov was primarily designed for my personal usage. I want to keep this tool as simple and as straight to the point as possible with no extra-bloat features. If it suits you as well that's great, otherwise you can check other alternatives listed below.
Your plaintext notes have to respect a certain format for sov to work. The idea is to make these requirements as less constraining as possible to let you build your own customized system.
The requirements are:
- Your notes are markdown files
- Wiki-links are used to link notes (e.g.
)- Linking to a header is supported (e.g.
) - Aliases are supported (e.g.
- Linking to a header is supported (e.g.
- YAML metadata is located at the top of the file enclosed by three dashes (
)- The
key is used to set aliases for the note - The
key is used to set tags for the note
- The
This format is fully compatible with Obsidian.
sov currently offers the following features:
- List
- Tags
- Dead links: notes that are linked to, but do not exist
- Orphan notes: notes that are not linked to any other note
- Search
- All notes with a specific tag
- Resolve note link
- Rename note and update all backlinks
- Create/Open daily note
The sov configuration file is located at ~/.config/sov/sov.toml
# Root directory for your personal knowledge notes
notes_dir = "<personal_knowledge_dir>"
# Directory for scripts
scripts_dir = "<scripts_dir>"
# Directory for new daily notes
daily_notes_dir = "<daily_notes_dir>"
# Script to use for new daily note content
daily_notes_script = ""
# List of directories that will be ignored by sov
ignore_dirs = []
sov features are provided through a CLI and a Language Server.
Usage: sov [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-s, --silent
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- sov.nvim: an integration of the Language Server for Neovim
Feel free to contribute and develop a Language Server integration for your favorite editor.
Contributions are welcome! Please see for details on how to contribute to this project.
sov is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license. Refer to LICENSE for more information.
Your support helps me continue to maintain and improve this project. If you find sov useful and want to show your appreciation, consider sponsoring or donating:
- GitHub Sponsors: Preferred method. You can sponsor me on GitHub Sponsors.
- PayPal: You can also make a donation via PayPal.
Every bit of support is greatly appreciated!