!!! Warning: This project is no longer mainained. You can take a look at the original Sming project which is actively developed. !!!
Sming based on Espressif RTOS SDK.
Based on: Sming Develop, including commits until Sming 2.1.0 release
Based on: Espressif RTOS_SDK 1.3.0
- When finding issues during conversion of applications -> Submit an issue on the Sming_RTOS repository.
- Espressif RTOS_SDK 1.3.0
- UDK 2.0.9 for toolchain and SDK on Windows or esp-open-sdk on Linux
- Be sure to have a "clean" sdk without previously applied updates
- esp-alt-sdk provides downloads for all platforms, @kireevco to supply links
Beware : Some Environment variables names are identical to SMING_NONOS !
Clone this repository.
SET environment variables valid for the location
Set SDK location in Makefile- or as environment variables -> SDK_BASE = ....
Set WIFI_SSID & WIFI_PWD in environment variables
Compile & flash
Additional needed software
- Spiffy : Source included in Sming repository
- [ESPtool2] (https://github.com/raburton/esptool2) esptool2
- All Core and Network functionality is ported to Sming_RTOS
- Spiffy & Spiffs Filesystem functionality included
- Application which includes HttpAjax & HWPwm example source.
- HttpAjax -> works
- HWPWm, -> compiles, not tested on hardware
- Neopixel -> working
- ScannerI2C -> working
- WebSockets -> working
- SDCard -> working
- HCSR04 Ultrasonic -> working
- DHT11-22 -> DHT11 tested and working , DHT22 untested
- SSD1306 Screen -> i2c module tested and working, spi module untested
- DS1820 -> working
- SystemClock&NTP -> working
- BMP180 Pressure -> working
- RBoot -> working
- PCD8544 LCD (Nokia 5110 LCD) -> working
Known RTOS/NONOS differences with application consequences
Generic :
- No WDT routines
- Soft timer only on milli and not on micro level
- The espressif SDK is more restrictive on use of flash The SPI_SIZE needs to be set correct to prevent issues (especially Spiffs)
Include files :
- The user_config.h file does not contain any framework includes anymore. -> Remove the NONOS user_config.h ! If not removed, there will be unresolved .h files
- The directory structure has changed. The only include necessary is the #include "SmingCore.h" When using libraries use #include "libraries/......" For case sensitive systems : beware of naming
- Spiffs FS'es created on NONOS are not supported -> Create a new spiffs using the RTOS supplied Spiffy !
- When mounting the FS on Flash is checked for "Generic spiffy structure" (blocksize, FS length,..)
- spiffs_mount() and spiffs_mount_manual return bool based on mount result
- When using spiffs_mount() the size of the spiffs FS is autodetected.
- When using spiffs_mount_manual()
- use the actual flash address : For conversion of current spiffs_mount_manual : subtract 0x40200000 from start address
- use filesize is 0 (zero) for autodetected size of FS
- See the remark above on SPI_SIZE. If set not correct the spiffs_mount and spiffs_mount_manual will fail.
- Works as in Sming but ... See the above on spiffs_mount_manual !
HardwarePWM. - Duty cycle is now independent on period. - Values are from 0 - 1023