Releases: Stensel8/Half-a-Minute-IT-Madness-Android
Half a Minute IT Madness - Android Stable Release V3.0.0
Release Notes
Version 3.0.0, of Half a Minute IT Madness for Android. This release includes some small improvements, enhancing the overall user experience and stability of the game.
Enhancements and New Features
- Difficulty adjustments: Changed game rules and the amount of points you'll be getting. This is now based on the difficulty.
- New dice feature: Introduced a dice roll button, this is used if you want to follow the actual game rules.
- Wordlist changes: Changed the wordlist and separated them. Each game will now use different words.
- Localization: Updated some strings and translations.
- Application icon: Updated the application icon.
Known Issues
- Color Display Issue: Tiles may show unexpected colors - #6.
Coming Soon
- High Score Board: We are currently discussing and working on the implementation of a high score board. The decision to include this feature is still under consideration.
We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to make Half a Minute IT Madness the best it can be. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in future releases!
Half a Minute IT Madness - Android Stable Release V2.7
Release Notes
Version 2.7, of Half a Minute IT Madness for Android. This release includes some small improvements, enhancing the overall user experience and stability of the game.
Enhancements and New Features
- UI Overhaul: Replaced more notifications with Snackbar for a cleaner and more elegant display.
- Crash Handling: Added more crash handlers to reduce and manage crashes effectively.
- Improved onBackPressed behaviour: The application will now require you to press the back button 2 times, when inside a game, instead of 1. This is done to prevent misclicks and accidental swipe gestures.
- Build info: The app will now show it's current build and version info.
- Code Optimization: Merged the '' with the newly created 'SharedPref.kt' for better readability.
- Settings Storage: Reworked the SharedPref.kt class for more efficient variable storage.
- Localization: Updated some strings and translations.
- Performance: Improved overall performance and fixed various bugs.
Improved Crash Handling
- Try-Catch Implementations: In case of errors, the game will now attempt to show a warning message at the bottom of the screen instead of crashing immediately. Note that this is not guaranteed to prevent all crashes.
Known Issues
- Color Display Issue: Tiles may show unexpected colors - #6.
Coming Soon
- High Score Board: We are currently discussing and working on the implementation of a high score board. The decision to include this feature is still under consideration.
We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to make Half a Minute IT Madness the best it can be. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in future releases!
Half a Minute IT Madness - Android Stable Release V2.6
Release Notes
We are excited to announce the first stable release, Version 2.6, of Half a Minute IT Madness for Android. This release brings significant improvements and new features, enhancing the overall user experience and stability of the game.
Enhancements and New Features
- UI Overhaul: Replaced notifications with Snackbar for a cleaner and more elegant display.
- Crash Handling: Added more crash handlers to reduce and manage crashes effectively.
- New Feature: Introduced an engaging Guessing Game.
- Theme Update: Updated theme colors for better consistency with the app's color scheme.
- Code Optimization: Application is ~97% rewritten in Kotlin 1.9.21. Future updates will replace multiple Java 17. We are transitioning from Java to Kotlin, as Kotlin offers more modern features and improved syntax.
New Game Addition
- Added a new GuessingGame feature.
- Readme Update: Added new screenshots to the
- Wordlist Update: The wordlist has been updated for a richer gaming experience.
- Gradle Updates: Updated the project to Android Gradle Plugin version 8.2.1 and Gradle Version 8.5.
- Compatibility: Made the app compatible with newer devices, ranging from SDK 30/Android 11 to Android 14 - SDK 34.
- Dependencies: Updated more dependencies for better performance.
- Settings Storage: Reworked the SharedPref.kt class for more efficient settings and variable storage.
- Localization: Updated some strings and translations.
- Release Notes Display: Changed how release notes are displayed - now opening in GitHub instead of within the app.
- UI Enhancements: Improved animations in settings and replaced Toast messages with Snackbar for a modern look.
- Mode Switching: Enhanced the transition between dark/light modes.
- Performance: Improved overall performance and fixed various bugs.
- Typos: Resolved some other typos.
- Pause Menu Crash: Fixed the issue where the game could crash in the Pause Menu - #27.
- Hard Mode Crash: Resolved the crash issue in LanguageGame when on hard mode - #9.
Improved Crash Handling
- Try-Catch Implementations: In case of errors, the game will now attempt to show a warning message at the bottom of the screen instead of crashing immediately. Note that this is not guaranteed to prevent all crashes.
Known Issues
- Color Display Issue: Tiles may show unexpected colors - #6.
Coming Soon
- High Score Board: We are currently discussing and working on the implementation of a high score board. The decision to include this feature is still under consideration.
We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to make Half a Minute IT Madness the best it can be. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in future releases!
Half a Minute IT Madness - Android Debug Release V2.4
Release Notes
Version 2.4 contains:
- High Scores Issue: High scores not being saved - Issue #5 - Resolved.
- Language Saving: Language not saving correctly - Issue #7 - Resolved.
- Dark Mode Flickering: Dark mode flickering in some scenarios - Issue #10 - Resolved.
- Dark Mode Saving: Dark mode not saving correctly - Issue #11 - Resolved.
- Resolved some other typos.
- We still have a lot of known issues and bugs, but I will try to tackle them.
Known Issues
- Tiles Color Issue: Tiles may show unexpected colors - Issue #6
- Hard Mode Crash: Game crashes when on hard mode - Issue #9
We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to make Half a Minute IT Madness the best it can be. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in future releases!
Half a Minute IT Madness - Android Debug Release V2.3
Release Notes
Version 2.3 brings a range of updates and fixes:
Updates and Fixes
- Language Crash Fix: Application crash in combination with the German language is fixed!
- General Bug Fixes: Multiple improvements for a smoother experience.
- Translation Logic: Improved logic for translating words.
- Language Update: Belgian language removed!
- Code Rewrite: Application is ~35% rewritten in Kotlin 1.9.21. Future updates will replace multiple Java 17. We are transitioning from Java to Kotlin, as Kotlin offers more modern features and improved syntax.
- Dark Mode Menus: Reworked the dark mode context menus.
- Release Notes Access: Added the option to view the release notes from within the settings page.
- Icon Update: Changed the ic_launcher_icon.
If you have encountered any bugs, let me know via the "Issues" in GitHub!
What's Changed
We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to make Half a Minute IT Madness the best it can be. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in future releases!