Comma AI guy made a Tweet ;)
I made this:
Thank you George! I am honored! Big thanks to the Twitter community and can't wait to see Twitter 2.0 develop. I do love working on cool projects so hit me up on Twitter anyone working on changing the world.
- Completed the functionality of tokens using twitter advanced search
- Created way to define arbitrary search tokens using JSON
- Added TypeAhead aka Suggestions Box for multiple types of tokens
- Added support for non-text Tokens (dates, times, colors, etc)
- Added support for client side suggestion sorting with custom tokens
- Added Keyboard Navigation
- Styling update
- Attempt to hook in search clear button if it exists
- You can now tab to select suggestions
- Dark Mode Support
- Works on mobile!
Copy and paste the contents of script.js into the JS console of any twitter page with a search bar (i.e.
I tried to keep the code/approach and usage as simple as possible.
Feel free to fork and make it your own! Also I eat PR's for breakfast :)