This library is useful for communicating with i2C or SMBus or PMBus devices. The FTDI USB-to-I2C dongle used in the development of this library is is available at digikey: C232HM-EDHSL-0 or C232HM-DDHSL-0
An example script to read telemetry items in linear11 format is included in the examples folder: If you just want to connect to the target i2C device, try for a minimalist connection example.
Note before using: This library requires that the driver Windows associates with FTDI dongle by default should be overriden to use the "libusb-win32" driver.
The is an application (zadig.exe) that can be used to reassign the drivers
used by Windows to interface with hardware, this can be downloaded from:
It is recommended to disconnect devices other than the FTDI dongle in
question before reassigning Windows drivers to avoid modifying the wrong
To Install: run the script within this directory from the command prompt with the arguement "install"
C:\\{path_to_python}\python.exe install
For help with installation contact Anna Giasson ( or Ted Kus (