Database Issues
Hi there!
I've had some issues creating the database earlier on, because I am starting fresh and not from an old database I tried to import the supplied SQL file into the database. This resulted in many troubling errors starting from:
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `penguins_OnInsert`;
CREATE TRIGGER `penguins_OnInsert` BEFORE INSERT ON `penguins` FOR EACH ROW IF NEW.`swid` IS NULL OR NEW.`swid` = '' THEN
SET NEW.`swid` = CONCAT('{', uuid(), '}');
CREATE TRIGGER `penguins_AfterUpdate` AFTER UPDATE ON `penguins` FOR
I've fixed this by changing this to the following:
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `penguins_OnInsert`;
CREATE TRIGGER `penguins_OnInsert` BEFORE INSERT ON `penguins`
IF NEW.`swid` IS NULL OR NEW.`swid` = '' THEN
SET NEW.`swid` = CONCAT('{', uuid(), '}');
This runs just fine, however when the import continues it got stuck on many other places as well (Procedures)
So instead of using the sql file to import I found a copy of the old database in your other branch and worked around it by using the and making the script setup the new database. This runs fine un-till it get's to IMPORT_PUFFLE_FROM_CP_STRUCT.
I can see nearly everything is created this time and I'm manually importing the three tables that I miss which are bans, care_items, memberships and penguins.
Can you confirm that ^^^ is how the DB should look?
So far so good.
Now when I start the server it works fine un-till it needs to contact the DB.
It sets up the DB pool correctly and can connect just fine.
But when it starts using functions like e.g. (SetSensei)
It suddenly is incapable of establishing the connection?
I'm using the following:
Windows Server 2012 Standard
Redis for windows
Python 2.7
Below a list of modules:
Please let me know if you need any more info.