Fines in e-mails make no sense [v5.5] #1433
Reported by BMEC:
I’ve got another email issue. The fine calculations in the overdue and due today notices are wonky. In all the Due Today notices, the message says
“If equipment is returned after closing time on January 15, 2016, you will be charged a late fee of $0.00 per item, per day.”
We have 2 overdue pieces of equipment out right now, one which is 26 days late as of today, the other is 29 days. It appears the fine listed in the overdue messages is telling the patron that they will be charged the total fine owed as of this current day, but the phrasing states that amount is the fine per day. For example, in the case of the 29 day overdue Apple magsafe adapter, the fine statement reads:
“Your library account will be charged $435.00 per day, per item until all equipment is returned.”
We should update our e-mail copy to make sense and use the correct late fee (rate vs cumulative).