Review Sei's Feedback #751
Dear Reservations Team,
Casey suggested that I test the development version of Reservations. I have detailed my system configuration and have listed my observations below.
System Configuration
Apple MacBook Pro, Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Chrome Extensions Enabled Within Reservations
Adblock Ghostery Google Dictionary Page Load Time PageSpeed Insights (by Google) Zotero Connector
- Reservations v3.3.0's catalog page loads in approximately 8.5 seconds in Google Chrome 35.0.1916.153. v3.2.0's catalog page loads in approximately 6 seconds. (I have used the Page Load Time extension to measure this data.)
- While the new spinning icon is a useful visual indicator for requesting users to wait, I believe that:
- A text indicator would assist users in clearly understanding that the Reservations software is busy, e.g. "Please wait..."
- The visual indicator should be more visible. The icon is off on the top-right corner of My Cart box, which does not seem intuitive to me.
- The green boxes in the Equipment Models page do not display sufficient visual information to warrant no descriptions. I was confused as to what function the boxes had before testing.
- Based on prior experience with box indicators, I assumed that I could drag my cursor and select multiple days at once. This does not seem to be the case.
- My Cart box should not be visible on Make Reservations page. I can edit the duration of the checkout in this box, but such edit will not be reflected unless "Make Reservations" button is pressed again.
Addendum: It is difficult to find the Reservations page on Google, despite using the keywords "yale" "media" "checkout". The link does not appear on Google and requires multiple steps to arrive at the page. Even the terms "reservations yale bmec" do not display the page directly. As my peers have indicated, this is troublesome for users who are not familiar with the media checkout process. Could we allow Google's crawler to link the page directly?
We should go through all of this and decide what, if anything, we want to change as a result.