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docs: fix comment formatting
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TimVosch authored and aarzilli committed Dec 29, 2024
1 parent b6690b5 commit e3db1ba
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Showing 8 changed files with 641 additions and 528 deletions.
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions _docgenerator/example.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// lua_upvalueid
* [-0, +0, –]
* Returns a unique identifier for the upvalue numbered n from the closure at index funcindex.
// lua_upvalueindex
func (L *State) UpvalueIndex(n int) int {
return int(C.clua_upvalueindex(C.int32_t(n)))
39 changes: 24 additions & 15 deletions _docgenerator/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ func main() {
if *flagClean {
updatedCode = removeOldDocumentation(string(goCode))
} else {

// Fetch or load cached Lua documentation
luadocs, err := getCachedLuaDocs()
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ func main() {

if *flagDoWrite {
err := os.WriteFile(goFile, []byte(updatedCode), 0644)
err := os.WriteFile(goFile, []byte(updatedCode), 0o644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error writing annotated code to file:", err)
Expand All @@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ func getCachedLuaDocs() (string, error) {

// Ensure cache directory exists
if _, err := os.Stat(cacheDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.Mkdir(cacheDir, 0755)
err := os.Mkdir(cacheDir, 0o755)
if err != nil {
return "", err
Expand All @@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ func getCachedLuaDocs() (string, error) {
body = string(cachedBody)
} else {
// Fetch Lua manual and cache it
url := fmt.Sprintf("", *flagLuaVersion) // Change version as needed
url := luaManualURL("")
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return "", err
Expand All @@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ func getCachedLuaDocs() (string, error) {
body = string(bodyBytes)

err = os.WriteFile(cacheFile, bodyBytes, 0644)
err = os.WriteFile(cacheFile, bodyBytes, 0o644)
if err != nil {
return "", err
Expand All @@ -130,6 +129,10 @@ type LuaFunction struct {
Description string

func luaManualURL(anchor string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", *flagLuaVersion, anchor) // Change version as needed

func parseLuaDocs(html string) (map[string]LuaFunction, error) {
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(html))
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ func parseLuaDocs(html string) (map[string]LuaFunction, error) {

functions := map[string]LuaFunction{}

doc.Find("hr + h3").Has("a[name^='lua_']").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
doc.Find("hr + h3").Has("a[name^='lua']").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
var luaFunc LuaFunction

// Extract name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,8 +170,8 @@ func parseLuaDocs(html string) (map[string]LuaFunction, error) {

func removeOldDocumentation(code string) string {
blockCommentRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(// lua_.*$\n)/\*\n(?: \*.*$\n)+[ ]?\*/$\n`)
return blockCommentRegex.ReplaceAllString(code, "$1")
blockCommentRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)// \[(lua.*)\] -> .*$\n(// .*$\n)+`)
return blockCommentRegex.ReplaceAllString(code, "// $1\n")

// Add documentation comments to the Go code
Expand All @@ -178,16 +181,22 @@ func addDocumentation(code string, luaFuncs map[string]LuaFunction) string {
lines := strings.Split(code, "\n")
var annotatedLines []string

matchComment := regexp.MustCompile(`// luaL?_.+`)

for _, line := range lines {
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, line)
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "// lua_") {
if matchComment.MatchString(line) {
functionName := strings.TrimPrefix(line, "// ")
if doc, exists := luaFuncs[functionName]; exists {
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, "/*")
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, " * "+doc.StackEffect)
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, " * "+doc.Description)
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, " */")
if doc, exists := luaFuncs[strings.ToLower(functionName)]; exists {
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, fmt.Sprintf("// [%s] -> %s", doc.Name, doc.StackEffect))
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, "//")
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, "// "+doc.Description)
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, "//")
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, fmt.Sprintf("// [%s]: %s", doc.Name, luaManualURL(strings.ToLower(doc.Name))))
} else {
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, "// "+functionName)
} else {
annotatedLines = append(annotatedLines, line)

Expand Down
150 changes: 75 additions & 75 deletions lua/golua_c_lua51.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,38 +123,38 @@ func lualLoadFile(s *C.lua_State, filename *C.char) {
return C.luaL_loadfile(s, filename)

// lua_equal
* [-0, +0, e]
* Returns 1 if the two values in acceptable indices index1 and index2 are equal, following the semantics of the Lua == operator (that is, may call metamethods). Otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if any of the indices is non valid.
// [lua_equal] -> [-0, +0, e]
// Returns 1 if the two values in acceptable indices index1 and index2 are equal, following the semantics of the Lua == operator (that is, may call metamethods). Otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if any of the indices is non valid.
// [lua_equal]:
func (L *State) Equal(index1, index2 int) bool {
return C.lua_equal(L.s,, == 1

// lua_getfenv
* [-0, +1, -]
* Pushes onto the stack the environment table of the value at the given index.
// [lua_getfenv] -> [-0, +1, -]
// Pushes onto the stack the environment table of the value at the given index.
// [lua_getfenv]:
func (L *State) GetfEnv(index int) {

// lua_lessthan
* [-0, +0, e]
* Returns 1 if the value at acceptable index index1 is smaller than the value at acceptable index index2, following the semantics of the Lua < operator (that is, may call metamethods). Otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if any of the indices is non valid.
// [lua_lessthan] -> [-0, +0, e]
// Returns 1 if the value at acceptable index index1 is smaller than the value at acceptable index index2, following the semantics of the Lua < operator (that is, may call metamethods). Otherwise returns 0. Also returns 0 if any of the indices is non valid.
// [lua_lessthan]:
func (L *State) LessThan(index1, index2 int) bool {
return C.lua_lessthan(L.s,, == 1

// lua_setfenv
* [-1, +0, -]
* Pops a table from the stack and sets it as the new environment for the value at the given index. If the value at the given index is neither a function nor a thread nor a userdata, lua_setfenv returns 0. Otherwise it returns 1.
// [lua_setfenv] -> [-1, +0, -]
// Pops a table from the stack and sets it as the new environment for the value at the given index. If the value at the given index is neither a function nor a thread nor a userdata, lua_setfenv returns 0. Otherwise it returns 1.
// [lua_setfenv]:
func (L *State) SetfEnv(index int) {
Expand All @@ -163,29 +163,29 @@ func (L *State) ObjLen(index int) uint {
return uint(C.lua_objlen(L.s,

// lua_tointeger
* [-0, +0, -]
* Converts the Lua value at the given acceptable index to the signed integral type lua_Integer. The Lua value must be a number or a string convertible to a number (see §2.2.1); otherwise, lua_tointeger returns 0.
// [lua_tointeger] -> [-0, +0, -]
// Converts the Lua value at the given acceptable index to the signed integral type lua_Integer. The Lua value must be a number or a string convertible to a number (see §2.2.1); otherwise, lua_tointeger returns 0.
// [lua_tointeger]:
func (L *State) ToInteger(index int) int {
return int(C.lua_tointeger(L.s,

// lua_tonumber
* [-0, +0, -]
* Converts the Lua value at the given acceptable index to the C type lua_Number (see lua_Number). The Lua value must be a number or a string convertible to a number (see §2.2.1); otherwise, lua_tonumber returns 0.
// [lua_tonumber] -> [-0, +0, -]
// Converts the Lua value at the given acceptable index to the C type lua_Number (see lua_Number). The Lua value must be a number or a string convertible to a number (see §2.2.1); otherwise, lua_tonumber returns 0.
// [lua_tonumber]:
func (L *State) ToNumber(index int) float64 {
return float64(C.lua_tonumber(L.s,

// lua_yield
* [-?, +?, -]
* Yields a coroutine.
// [lua_yield] -> [-?, +?, -]
// Yields a coroutine.
// [lua_yield]:
func (L *State) Yield(nresults int) int {
return int(C.lua_yield(L.s,
Expand All @@ -197,74 +197,74 @@ func (L *State) pcall(nargs, nresults, errfunc int) int {
// Pushes on the stack the value of a global variable (lua_getglobal)
func (L *State) GetGlobal(name string) { L.GetField(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name) }

// lua_resume
* [-?, +?, -]
* Starts and resumes a coroutine in a given thread.
// [lua_resume] -> [-?, +?, -]
// Starts and resumes a coroutine in a given thread.
// [lua_resume]:
func (L *State) Resume(narg int) int {
return int(C.lua_resume(L.s,

// lua_setglobal
* [-1, +0, e]
* Pops a value from the stack and sets it as the new value of global name. It is defined as a macro:
// [lua_setglobal] -> [-1, +0, e]
// Pops a value from the stack and sets it as the new value of global name. It is defined as a macro:
// [lua_setglobal]:
func (L *State) SetGlobal(name string) {
Cname := C.CString(name)
C.lua_setfield(L.s,, Cname)

// lua_insert
* [-1, +1, -]
* Moves the top element into the given valid index, shifting up the elements above this index to open space. Cannot be called with a pseudo-index, because a pseudo-index is not an actual stack position.
// [lua_insert] -> [-1, +1, -]
// Moves the top element into the given valid index, shifting up the elements above this index to open space. Cannot be called with a pseudo-index, because a pseudo-index is not an actual stack position.
// [lua_insert]:
func (L *State) Insert(index int) { C.lua_insert(L.s, }

// lua_remove
* [-1, +0, -]
* Removes the element at the given valid index, shifting down the elements above this index to fill the gap. Cannot be called with a pseudo-index, because a pseudo-index is not an actual stack position.
// [lua_remove] -> [-1, +0, -]
// Removes the element at the given valid index, shifting down the elements above this index to fill the gap. Cannot be called with a pseudo-index, because a pseudo-index is not an actual stack position.
// [lua_remove]:
func (L *State) Remove(index int) {

// lua_replace
* [-1, +0, -]
* Moves the top element into the given position (and pops it), without shifting any element (therefore replacing the value at the given position).
// [lua_replace] -> [-1, +0, -]
// Moves the top element into the given position (and pops it), without shifting any element (therefore replacing the value at the given position).
// [lua_replace]:
func (L *State) Replace(index int) {

// lua_rawgeti
* [-0, +1, -]
* Pushes onto the stack the value t[n], where t is the value at the given valid index. The access is raw; that is, it does not invoke metamethods.
// [lua_rawgeti] -> [-0, +1, -]
// Pushes onto the stack the value t[n], where t is the value at the given valid index. The access is raw; that is, it does not invoke metamethods.
// [lua_rawgeti]:
func (L *State) RawGeti(index int, n int) {

// lua_rawseti
* [-1, +0, m]
* Does the equivalent of t[n] = v, where t is the value at the given valid index and v is the value at the top of the stack.
// [lua_rawseti] -> [-1, +0, m]
// Does the equivalent of t[n] = v, where t is the value at the given valid index and v is the value at the top of the stack.
// [lua_rawseti]:
func (L *State) RawSeti(index int, n int) {

// lua_gc
* [-0, +0, e]
* Controls the garbage collector.
// [lua_gc] -> [-0, +0, e]
// Controls the garbage collector.
// [lua_gc]:
func (L *State) GC(what, data int) int {
return int(C.lua_gc(L.s,,

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