Hi @trieloff,
Thank you for merging the Dutch translations. I think I did something wrong. When I choose nl-NL it tells me I can only use en_US and de. I looked at the code where I can add nl-NL but I didn't find it can you add it or tell me where to add. And maybe it is a better idea to call the Dutch translation file also with a underscore like the English one? eg: nl_NL
Expected Behaviour
Using Dutch translations
Actual Behaviour
Argument: l, Given: "nl-NL", Choices: "en_US", "de"
Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)
/jsonschema2md -l nl-NL -d ./schemas -o ./docs -x -
Steps to Reproduce
Create a schema and run the command with -l nl-NL
Platform and Version
All (I think)
Sample Code that illustrates the problem
Argument: l, Given: "nl-NL", Choices: "en_US", "de"