In the spirit of analog-inspection and open-workflows, time-based-media-art collects resources on the care and preservation of time-based media art.
See below for project information.
- Guidelines and Articles
- Case Studies
- Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops
- Lectures
- Institutions/Organizations
- Interviews
- Books
- Justin Graham and Jill Sterett (September 1997), An Institutional Approach to the Collections Care of Electronic Art, WAAC [Western Association for Art Conservation] Newsletter, 19.3.
- William A. Real (Autumn/Winter 2001), Toward Guidelines for Practice in the Preservation and Documentation of Technology-Based Installation Art, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC) 40.3, 211-231. (@ JSTOR)
- Timothy Vitale (Autumn/Winter 2001), Techarchaeology: Works by James Coleman and Vito Acconci, JAIC 40.3, 233-258. (@ JSTOR)
- Pip Laurenson (Autumn/Winter 2001), Developing Strategies for the Conservation of Installations Incorporating Time-Based Media with Reference to Gary Hill's "Between Cinema and a Hard Place", JAIC 40.3, 259-266. (@ JSTOR)
- Howard Besser (February 2001), Longevity of Electronic Art
- European Commission, Culture 2000 (2004-2007), Inside Installations: Preservation and Presentation of Installation Art. Guidelines for practice.
- Pip Laurenson (Autumn 2006), Authenticity, Change and Loss in the Conservation of Time-Based Media Installations, Tate Papers no.6.
- Steve Dietz (November 2006), Collecting New Media Art: Just Like Anything Else, Only Different
- Electronic Arts Intermix (c.2007), EAI Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art
- Richard Rinehart (April 2007), The Media Art Notation System: Documenting and Preserving Digital/Media Art, Leonardo 40.2, 181-187.
- Smithsonian (May 2010), Collaborations in Conserving Time-Based Art: A Summary of Discussion Group Sessions of a Colloquium
- Gaby Wijers (August 2010), Ethics and practices of media art conservation, a work-in-progress (version0.5)
- Dragan Espenschied et al. (September 2013), Large-Scale Curation and Presentation of CD-ROM Art
- Hanna Barbara Hölling (2014), Seeking the authentic moment: De- and re-materialisations in Paik’s video and multimedia installations, AICCM Bulletin 34, 85-92.
- Erica Titkemeyer (February 2014), Handling Digital Assets in Time-Based Media Art
- Smithsonian (July 2014), The Smithsonian Interview Project: Questions on Technical Standards in the Care of Time-Based and Digital Art. Ten Insights from Artists and Experts in the Field
- Patrícia Falcão et al. (October 2014), Virtualisation as a Tool for the Conservation of Software-Based Artworks
- Matters in Media Art (2015), Guidelines for the care of media artworks
- Joanna Phillips (2015), Reporting Iterations: A Documentation Model for Time-Based Media Art, Revista de História da Arte 4, 169-177.
- Peggy Griesinger (May 2015), Preserving the Technical History of Media Works
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (September 2015), Best practices for conservation of media art from an artist’s perspective
- Cornell University Library (November 2015), White Paper: Preserving and Emulating Digital Art Objects
- Peggy Griesinger (November 2015), Metadata for the Digitization History of Time-based Media Art (poster)
- Sophie Bunz, Brian Castriota and Flaminia Fortunato (2015-2016), How Sustainable is File-based Video Art? Exploring the Foundations for Best Practice Development, The Electronic Media Review 4.
- Colin Post (March 2016), Research Reflections: Preservation of New Media Artworks in the Care of the Artist
- Peggy Griesinger (Summer 2016), Process history metadata for time-based media artworks at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (October 2016), How the Guggenheim and NYU Are Conserving Computer-Based Art, part I and part II
- Colin Post (2017), Preservation practices of new media artists: Challenges, strategies, and attitudes in the personal management of artworks, Journal of Documentation, 73.4, 716-732. (paywalled)
- PERICLES (September 2017), Things Change: Conservation and Display of Time-based Media Art (short documentary on time-based media art preservation)
- Tate (October 2017), Software-based Art Preservation
- Hannah Peck (December 2017), Video as Art Medium: Context and Preservation (MIAP paper)
- Jonathan Farbowitz (2018), Archiving Computer-Based Artworks, The Electronic Media Review 5
- Rachel Ward (May 2019), “When time-based media art in private collections no longer functions, who is responsible for conservation?”
- Madeline Page Smith (July 2020), Caring for the Moving Image in Art Museums: Matters in Media Art and the Stewardship of Time-Based Media Artworks (MIAP thesis)
- Rene G. Cepeda (December 2020), Manual for the Curation and Display of Interactive New Media Art
- Bill Viola (April 2001), Artist's Description: Anima (2000)
- Mitchell Hearns Bishop (Autumn/Winter 2001), Evolving Exemplary Pluralism: Steve McQueen's "Deadpan" and Eija-Liisa Ahtila's "Anne, Aki and God" - Two Case Studies for Conserving Technology-Based Installation Art, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC) 40.3, 179-191. (@ JSTOR)
- Paul Messier (Autumn/Winter 2001), Dara Birnbaum's "Tiananmen Square: Break-In Transmission": A Case Study in the Examination, Documentation, and Preservation of a Video-Based Installation, JAIC 40.3, 193-209. (@ JSTOR)
- John G. Hanhardt (2003), Nam June Paik, TV Garden (1974), Permanence Through Change: The Variable Media Approach. New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation; Montréal: The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology, 70-77.
- Jon Ippolito (2003), Mark Napier, net.flag (2002), Permanence Through Change, 108-115.
- Vivian Van Saaze (April 2003), Miguel-Ángel Cárdenas, 25 Caramboles and variations. Birthday present for a 25-year old (1979/80)
- Vivian Van Saaze (April 2003), eddie d, A Word of Welcome (1997-2007) (NL)
- Vivian Van Saaze (April 2003), Servaas, Are You Afraid of Video? (1984-1994) (NL)
- Vivian Van Saaze (May 2003), Elsa Stansfield & Madelon Hooykaas, Outside/Inside (1982) (NL)
- European Commission, Culture 2000 (2004-2007), Inside Installations: Preservation and Presentation of Installation Art. 33 case studies.
- Jeff Rothenberg (January 2006), Renewing The Erl King
- Christoph Becker, Günther Kolar, Josef Küng, and Andreas Rauber (December 2007), Preserving Interactive Multimedia Art: A Case Study in Preservation Planning, Asian Digital Libraries. Looking Back 10 Years and Forging New Frontiers: 10th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries. Proceedings of ICADL 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10-13 December 2007, 257-266.
- ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (2010-2012), digital art conservation: 10 case studies
- Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst (NIMk) (2011), I/Eye (1993/2011, Bill Spinhoven)
- Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw) (c.2013), The preservation of Danny Matthys' video works
- Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw) (c.2013), Mondophrenetic™ (2000, Herman Asselberghs, Els Opsomer, Rony Vissers)
- Gaby Wijers (LIMA) (2013), The digitisation of media artworks by Elsa Stansfield and Madelon Hooykaas
- Glenn Wharton (April & May 2013), Conserving a Nam June Paik Altered Piano, part I and part II
- Lisa Adang (Summer 2013), Untitled Project: A cross-disciplinary investigation of JODI's Untitled game
- Annika Räim (UvA P&P), Veronique Despodt (S.M.A.K.), Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw) (c.2014), A las cinco de la tarde (1984, Marie-Jo Lafontaine)
- Eddy Colloton (May 2016), Re-constructions: Preserving the Video Installations of Buky Schwartz (MIAP thesis)
- Ben Fino-Radin (December 2016), Art In the Age of Obsolescence: Rescuing an Artwork from Crumbling Technologies
- Joanna Phillips, Deena Engel, Emma Dickson, & Jonathan Farbowitz (May 2017), Restoring Brandon, Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork
- Elise Tanner (July 2018), Planning for Time-based Media Preservation at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (NDSR Art Final Report)
- Erin L. Barsan (c. August 2018), Managing time-based media/digital art at (an appropriate) scale (NDSR Art Final Report)
- ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art), 1988 - present
- SFMOMA (January 2000), TechArchaeology: A Symposium on Installation Art Preservation
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (March 2001), Preserving the Immaterial: A Conference on Variable Media
- Experimental Television Center (ETC), Independent Media Arts Preservation (IMAP), Bay Area Video Coalition and the Electronic Media Specialty Group of the AIC (May-June 2002), Looking Back/Looking Forward: A Symposium on Electronic Media Preservation
- medien_kunst_netz Dortmund, NIMk, and C3 (June 2003), 404 Object Not FOund. What remains of media art?
- Lunder Conservation Center & Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (March 2010), Collaborations in Conserving Time-Based Art
- Harvard Art Museum (April 2010), Andrew W. Mellon Symposium in Conservation Science: Technical Conservation Issues of Time-Based Media
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (September 2010), TechFocus I: Caring for Video Art
- ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (November 2010), digital art conservation, Symposium I: The Digital Oblivion. Substance and ethics in the conservation of computer-based art
- Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery (September 2011), Collecting, Exhibiting, & Preserving Time-Based Media Art
- École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg (November 2011), digital art conservation, Symposium II: Practical Approaches. Artists, Programmers, Theorists
- Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution (April 2012), TechFocus II: Caring for Film and Slide Art
- Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery (September 2012), Standards for the Preservation of Time-Based Media Art
- Fondation Liedts-Meesen, iMAL, et l'École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre (November 2012), Onsterfelijk
- Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery (April 2013), Trusted Digital Repositories for Time-Based Media Art
- Smithsonian American Art Museum (June 2013), Conserving and Exhibiting the Works of Nam June Paik
- Carnegie Museum of Art (November 2013), Misfits Symposium 2013
- Independent Media Arts Preservation (IMAP) (June 2015), IMAP Symposium BPAC
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (September 2015), TechFocus III: Caring for Software-based Art
- Carnegie Museum of Art (October 2015), Misfits Symposium 2015
- Tate (November 2015), Media in Transition conference recordings
- Ludwig Múzeum (December 2015), MAPS - Media Art Preservation Symposium
- German Association of Conservator-Restorers (VDR) (June 2016), Collecting and Conserving Performance Art
- Institute of Fine Arts, New York University (May 2018), It's About Time! Building A New Discipline: Time-Based Media Art Conservation
- Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (11-15 June 2018), Workshop 2: Getting Started: A Shared Responsibility - Caring for Time-based Media Artworks in Collections
- The Japan Foundation and Art Tower Mito (November 2018), Play ⇔ Replay: staging & re-staging time-based media art
- Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (10-14 June 2019), Workshop 3: Caring for Artists' Films
- LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) (25-26 April 2020), All Together Now: Time-Based Media Art and Collaborative Stewardship
- ISEA 2020, University of Québec (May 2020), Summit on new media art archiving
- Donau-Universität Krems (December 2020), Media Art Preservation Institute: 5-day Intensive Professional Training
- American Institute for Conservation (AIC) and Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAiC) (25/27/29 October 2021), TechFocus IV: Caring for 3D-printed Art (virtual symposium)
- MoMA (September 2016), Pip Laurenson, “Can Artworks Live in a Museums Collection?” (Vimeo)
- NYU/IFA Conservation Centre (September-December 2016), Topics in Time-Based Media Art Conservation lecture series (Vimeo)
- Harvard Art Museums (July 2018), Perspectives on New Media in Museums with Kate Lewis (Vimeo)
- MoMA Media Conservation Initiative (2017-2018), Getting Started in Media Conservation
- American Institute for Conservation, Electronic Media Group
- Cornell University, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
- Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)
- International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (INCCA)
- Independent Media Arts Preservation, Inc (IMAP)
- LIMA, Preserving Digital Art
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Conservation: Time-Based Media
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (2020), The Conserving Computer-Based Art Initiative
- De Stichting Behoud Moderne Kunst (SMBK), The Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art
- Tate, Conservation – time-based media
- Variable Media Network
- ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
- Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) (August 2005), Conversation with artist Cory Arcangel
- EAI (August 2005), Interview with Berta Sichel (Reina Sofía)
- EAI (September 2005), Interview with Christopher Eamon (New Art Trust, Kramlich Collection)
- EAI (November 2005), Interview with artist Chris Doyle
- EAI (c.2006), Interview with Juliet Myers (studio manager for Bruce Nauman)
- EAI (Spring 2006), Interview with Steve Seid (Pacific Film Archive)
- EAI (April 2006), Interview with Glenn Wharton (MoMA, NYU)
- EAI (May 2006), Interview with Kira Perov (executive director, Bill Viola Studio)
- EAI (October 2006), Interview with Paul Kuranko (Guggenheim)
- SCART (February 2009), Interview with artist David Claerbout
- Richard McCoy (August 2009), Examining the Lives of Jenny Holzer’s Works/Words: A Discussion with SAAM Conservator Hugh Shockey.
- Richard McCoy (February 2010), Collaborations in Conserving Time-Based Art: a Conversation and a Colloquium (interview with Jeff Martin)
- SCART (March 2010), Interview with Christoph Blase (ZKM)
- SCART (March 2010), Interview with Pip Laurenseon (Tate)
- SCART (May 2010), Interview with Joanna Phillips (Guggenheim)
- SCART (June 2011), Interview with Mark Hellar (Hellar LLC)
- SCART (July 2012), Interview with Baruch Gottlieb, Ruth Kemper and Susanne Bernstein (transmediale)
- Moving Image Archive News (October 2012), Preserving “Time-Based Art” – An interview with Jeff Martin, IMAP
- SCART (February 2013), Interview with Bartek Korzeniowski (WRO)
- The Signal (April 2013), Challenges in the Curation of Time Based Media Art: An Interview with Michael Mansfield
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (March 2014), What Is “Time-Based Media”?: A Q&A with Guggenheim Conservator Joanna Phillips, part I and part II
- American Institute for Conservation (October 2017), Emerging Conservation Professionals Network (ECPN) Interviews: Nick Kaplan (graduate fellow, Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation)
- American Institute for Conservation (October 2017), ECPN Interviews: Alexandra Nichols (Sherman Fairchild Foundation Fellow in the conservation of time-based media and installation art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
- American Institute for Conservation (November 2017), ECPN Interviews: Brian Castriota (TBMI conservator, Research Fellow in the Conservation of Contemporary Art at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, and doctoral student at the University of Glasgow)
- American Institute for Conservation (December 2017), ECPN Interviews: Christine Frohnert (Time-based Media Art Conservation Curriculum Development Program Coordinator, Conservation Center at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University)
- Dekker, Annet, Collecting and Conserving Net Art: Moving beyond Conventional Methods. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, August 2020.
- Depocas, Alain, Jon Ippolito, & Caitlin Jones (eds), Permanence Through Change: The Variable Media Approach. New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation; Montréal: The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology, 2003.
- Gfeller, Johannes, Agathe Jarczyk, and Joanna Phillips, Compendium of Image Errors in Analogue Video / Kompendium der Bildstörungen beim analogen Video. Zürich, Switzerland: Scheidegger and Spiess, August 2013.
- Grau, Oliver, Janina Hoth and Eveline Wandl-Vogt (eds), Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in Digital Humanities. Krems, Österreich: Edition Donau-Universität, 2019.
- High, Kathy, Sherry Miller Hocking, and Mona Jimenez, The Emergence of Video Processing Tools: Television Becoming Unglued. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, April 2014.
- Noordegraaf, Julia, Vinzenz Hediger, Cosetta Saba, and Barbara Le Maitre, Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art: Challenges and Perspectives. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, January 2013.
- Schubiger, Irene (ed), Reconstructing Swiss Video Art from the 1970s and 1980s. Zürich, Switzerland: JRP|Ringier, September 2009.
- Scholte, Tatja, and Glenn Wharton (eds), Inside Installations. Theory and Practice in the Care of Complex Artworks. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, February 2011.
time-based-media-art is maintained by its creator, Katherine Nagels.
Contributions are welcomed! Feel free to open a pull request or issue, or contact me directly.
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