For make Ant Design Pro more flexible, we plan to start the 4th version (Why not 3, because of @chenshuai2144 don't like it).
In the long-term maintenance, we found that the biggest problem with pro is that it is not pluggable. Next, our focus will make him more flexible.
- transform pages to blocks so that you can add or delete a page easier, [feature request] Transform Ant Design Pro pages to umi blocks #2809
- make i18n selectable
- dark theme
- More custom settings
- better components
- TypeScript [v4] transform typescript #3702
- cli tool ant-design-pro-cli 2.0 ant-design-pro-cli#20
More TodoLIst:
- init v4 branch V4 branch init #3357
- sync master commit to v4
- revert: simplify antd-pro's boilerplate
- revert: remove SettingDrawer
- more