Here you can find common error codes. Please check this list and the existing issues before creating a new issue. For commonly asked questions, see the FAQ.
General errors
Maximum retries exceeded
This is likely caused by the public Vercel instance reaching one of the Github GraphQL limits. Multiple PAT tokens have been used to overcome these limits (see github-readme-stats/blob/master/src/common/retryer.js) but due to the popularity of GitHub-readme-stats, they sometimes run out. The best solution is to deploy your own Vercel instance. Please check this guide on how this is done. You can find more information on this problem in #1471. You can also use #1471 to check if the Public Vercel instance is down and to let us know the limits are continuously being reached.
⚠️ PLEASE READ⚠️ Only comment on #1471 if nobody has commented in the last three days or if you have information that could help us solve the problem. If there already is a recent comment or the
label is attached, we are aware of the issue and are working on it. 🤓 Comments like "+1" and "same here" don't help anyone; they pressure the maintainer and spam their inbox. 💥