Pointer files are needed to describe uncompressed AIPs. (They are already created for compressed AIPs.) Motivations:
- Encrypted uncompressed AIPs (which are tarred) need pointer files so we can know which GPG key is needed to decrypt them.
- Replica uncompressed AIPs need pointer files so we can know what original AIP is their source.
- Relatedly, uncompressed AIPs cannot currently be replicated. AIP replication requires a pointer file.
- Improving the performance of fixity checking requires pointer files for uncompressed AIPs so that bag-based fixity checking of the entire AIP can be documented in the pointer files of all kinds of AIPs. See
The scope of fixing this issue should include introduction of METS/PREMIS validation using the validation already implemented in mets-reader-writer.
TODO: provide an estimate of what resolving this issue would entail.