Not another JSON parser!
Marshals golang AST into JSON and unmarshals it back from JSON.
It allows building pattern matching, statistical analysis, language transformation, search/data-mine/anything algorithms for golang with any other language (I like to do it with python. Check out asty-python)
Input golang source
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("hello world")
Ouput AST in JSON
"NodeType": "File",
"Name": {
"NodeType": "Ident",
"Name": "main"
"Decls": [
"NodeType": "GenDecl",
"Tok": "import",
"Specs": [
"NodeType": "ImportSpec",
"Name": null,
"Path": {
"NodeType": "BasicLit",
"Kind": "STRING",
"Value": "\"fmt\""
"NodeType": "FuncDecl",
"Recv": null,
"Name": {
"NodeType": "Ident",
"Name": "main"
"Type": {
"NodeType": "FuncType",
"TypeParams": null,
"Params": {
"NodeType": "FieldList",
"List": null
"Results": null
"Body": {
"NodeType": "BlockStmt",
"List": [
"NodeType": "ExprStmt",
"X": {
"NodeType": "CallExpr",
"Fun": {
"NodeType": "SelectorExpr",
"X": {
"NodeType": "Ident",
"Name": "fmt"
"Sel": {
"NodeType": "Ident",
"Name": "Println"
"Args": [
"NodeType": "BasicLit",
"Kind": "STRING",
"Value": "\"hello world\""
Install asty
under $GOPATH/bin
go install
asty -h
Just make
If you want to do it differently use go build
Convert AST to JSON
asty go2json -input <input.go> -output <output.json>
Convert JSON to AST
asty json2go -input <input.json> -output <output.go>
Use asty help
for more information
Using with docker
docker run astyorg/asty go2json -input <input.go> -output <output.json>
- Make json output as close to real golang structures as possible. There is no additional logic introduced. No normalization. No reinterpretation. The only things that were introduced are the names of some enum values.
- Make it very explicit. No reflection. No listing of fields. This is done to facilitate future maintenance. If something will be changed in future versions of golang this code will probably break compile-time.
- Keep polymorphism in JSON structure. If some field references expression then particular type will be discriminated from object type name stored in separate field.
- reinterpret some structures (trying to simplify). Out of maintenance for a long time. Still works in some forks.
- tries to parse golang code with parser written in javascript. Also lacks maintenance. Developed for particular use case of HaXe traspiler.
I wrote an article about this project.