itree can be interactive file browse and exec any command.
Required go.
$ go get
You can get executable file from latest release for each environment (e.g macOS, Linux, Windows).
$ ./itree --help
itree displayed file system tree and command interactively about file system.
itree [options]
The options are:
--path=$PATH specified start path. default is ./
--help displayed help message for itree
Press ?
on itree, to see all commands.
(c) Copy selected node file path
(C) Copy selected node absolute file path
(r) Rename file node
(o) '$ open $FILE_PATH'
(n) New file
(N) New directory
(e) Open current node with $EDITOR. Default is vim
(i) appear information for current node
(/) change mode for file search
(?) help message for usage itree
itree is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.