Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
In the meantime, I have installed and set up a signal server based on a normal Intel PC (64 bit). He works very well too.
After loading the first Qctools analytics data to the signal server, I should commit that the upload date is not the right time. There is always a deviation of 6 hours.
As it stands, the time zone in the signal server does not match the host.
So far I have tried to extend the yml file by the following lines. This did not fix the problem.
- "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
Here are some dates and version numbers of my installation:
qcli 0.9Apr 10 2017 21:00:02
Docker version 18.02.0-CE
Everything is installed on a Debian Buster Alpha2 with the latest kernel, patches and updates.
How can I adjust the time zone in the Docker containers to be in sync with the host?
Many thanks in advance.