This function gives the parameters for about 60 main wave components of Earth tides due to Sun and Moon (annual, semiannual, monthly, fortnightly, diurnal, semidiurnal, ...) using the harmonic development of Arthur Thomas Doodson [1890-1968]. For a given wave, it returns in a structure the 6 Doodson's arguments, wave Darwin's symbol, wave description name and the wave period in days.
Type doodson
without argument to display all available waves, and their associated doodson number and period.
>> doodson
N: 055.565, 6798.4 days
Sa: 056.554, 365.26 days
Ssa: 057.555, 182.621 days
S4: 491.555, 0.25 day
M6: 655.555, 0.172508 day
M8: 855.555, 0.129381 day
>> doodson S1
S1: 164.555, 1 day
>> X=doodson('M2')
X =
symbol: {'M2'}
name: {'Principal lunar semidiurnal'}
doodson: [2 0 0 0 0 0]
period: 0.5175
François Beauducel, IPGP, beaudu, [email protected]
Type doc doodson
for syntax and examples. See also for users community comments.