These two scripts, written in GNU Octave/Matlab language, convert Roman numerals to and from any integer (scalar, vector or matrix), including large numbers greater than 4999 with the parenthesis notation (multiplies by 1000).
The function num2roman
uses strict rules of modern notation (substractive principle for 4 and 9 bases) except for the common MMMM
form replacing (IV)
>> num2roman(1968)
>> % first power of 10
>> num2roman(10.^(0:7))
'I' 'X' 'C' 'M' '(X)' '(C)' '(M)' '((X))'
>> % from 1 to 100
>> reshape(num2roman(1:100),10,10)'
'I' 'II' 'III' 'IV' 'V' 'VI' 'VII' 'VIII' 'IX' 'X'
is more flexible and is able to convert some other Roman notation possibilities, for instance the 3 different expressions IC
all return 99
>> roman2num({'IC','XCIX','XCVIIII'})
99 99 99
or the 2 expressions MDXV
both return 1515
>> roman2num({'MDXV','MCCCCCXV'})
1515 1515
François Beauducel, IPGP, beaudu, [email protected]
Type doc num2roman
and doc roman2num
for help and syntax.