Knit brings GraphQL-like capabilities to RPCs. Knit has type-safe and declarative queries that shape the response, batching support to eliminate the N+1 problem, and first-class support for error handling with partial responses. It is built on top of Protobuf and Connect.
Knit is currently in alpha (α), and looking for feedback. Learn more about it at the Knit repo, and learn how to use it with the Tutorial.
This repo defines the RPC service that is implemented by a Knit gateway. It is a protocol that allows batching of RPCs, masking results to shrink on-the-wire responses, and even joining the results of multiple RPCs.
Knit client libraries provide a type-safe API for translating a Knit query into an RPC request for this service. The server invokes all indicated RPCs and also invokes configured resolvers if needed. The resolver can join in extra data fields, called relations, into a message. (The values for these relations usually come from additional RPC calls.) Finally, the result is masked to only return the relevant fields requested.
This Protobuf module is available on the Buf Schema Registry at
Knit is built on top of Connect and complements it. It provides a way for external clients to interact with a service-oriented architecture efficiently, without requiring the client to send a large number of requests over a potentially low-quality network (and to possibly disparate backend systems) and without needing to implement a bespoke frontend API.
The caller declares a query that describes the data in which they are interested, and the Knit gateway translates that into one or more RPC calls to backend servers, abstracting away the complexity of batching/aggregating, parallelism, and joining from the caller. Having the batching and result masking happen in a gateway also means less data needs to be transmitted over unreliable connections, such as to mobile devices.
Knit also provides a smaller client surface area compared to generating Connect client code for all the possible RPC endpoints of interest, but without sacrificing type-safety.
Knit is a three-layer architecture. The key components are
- The Knit client, which will usually be a web browser or mobile device. (See for more.)
- The Knit gateway, which interprets the Knit query protocol, dispatching RPCs to relevant backends and aggregating/joining their results. (See for more.)
- Backend services, which are regular Connect and gRPC servers.
flowchart LR
client[Knit Client]
gateway[Knit Gateway]
svr1["Backend Server 1 (Users)"]
svr2["Backend Server 2 (Orders)"]
svr3["Backend Server 3 (Products)"]
client --> gateway
subgraph Backend Network or Cluster
gateway --> svr1
gateway --> svr2
gateway --> svr3
A Knit query is how the client declares what RPCs will be invoked and what data will be returned to the client.
There are several key concepts involved in a Knit query:
- Entry Point Methods: A Knit query can indicate one or more RPC methods to invoke. Multiple methods in one query effectively batch the calls into a single request from the client. The methods named in a Knit query are called entry point methods. They are RPC methods defined in Protobuf sources. They correspond to endpoints exposed by backend services (i.e. Connect or gRPC servers).
- Masks: A knit query must define which fields the caller will use. The RPC responses will be "masked" to only contain the indicated fields. This can reduce the amount of data sent back to the client.
- Relations: Relations are a special type of field that can appear in a mask. They represent extra attributes that are not part of an RPC response, but can be merged into the RPC response. These parts of the mask can indicate additional parameters, which are used to resolve the values of these attributes (e.g. via another RPC call).
These concepts are described in more detail in the sections below.
There are three kinds of entry points in Knit, each corresponding to one of the three methods of the Knit protocol.
- Fetch: A "fetch" operation executes a query and returns the results. Methods that can be invoked via "fetch" must be defined in Protobuf source as having no side effects and must be unary (no streaming). This is for data that might otherwise be requested via HTTP "GET" verb in other frameworks.
- Do: A "do" operation performs an action and returns the results. This is just like "fetch", except the methods that are invoked have side effects, often mutating state or initiating other processes. Like "fetch" methods, they must be defined as unary (no streaming).
- Listen: A "listen" operation sends a request and then receives a stream of results. This allows for execution of server-streaming methods, often useful for receiving asynchronous notifications from the server or for subscribing to an event stream.
Other kinds of methods -- client-streaming or bidirectional-streaming -- cannot be used with Knit. They can still be invoked from clients using Connect, but can't be incorporated into a Knit query.
Here's an example Protobuf source, demonstrating all the Knit entry points:
syntax = "proto3";
package pets.v1;
service PetService {
// These can be used in "fetch" operations because they
// are unary and have no side effects:
rpc GetPetTypes(GetPetTypesRequest) returns (GetPetTypesResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
rpc GetPet(GetPetRequest) returns (GetPetResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
rpc GetPetVetHistory(GetPetVetHistoryRequest) returns (GetPetVetHistoryResponse) {
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// These can be used in "do" operations because they are
// unary but may have side effects:
rpc CreatePet(CreatePetRequest) returns (CreatePetResponse);
rpc UpdatePet(UpdatePetRequest) returns (UpdatePetResponse);
rpc CreatePetVetAppointment(CreatePetVetAppointmentRequest)
returns (CreatePetVetAppointmentResponse);
// This can be used in "listen" operations:
rpc SubscribeToPetEvents(SubscribeToPetEventsRequest)
returns (stream SubscribeToPetEventsResponse);
// These cannot be incorporated into a Knit query because
// they use unsupported stream types:
rpc TransferPetVetHistory(stream TransferPetVetHistoryRequest)
returns (TransferPetVetHistoryResponse);
rpc ChatWithCustomerSupport(stream ChatWithCustomerSupportRequest)
returns (stream ChatWithCustomerSupportResponse);
The first step in the Knit gateway when executing a query is to issue RPCs to configured backend services for each method indicated in the query.
The Knit query contains a "mask" for each method. This mask indicates the fields of the RPC response that should be returned. When a mask includes a field of the response that is a nested message structure, a "sub-mask" must be included for that field. Masks are recursive, allowing fields from arbitrarily deep structures to be named.
Let's look at an example:
message GetUserResponse {
uint64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string email = 3;
Address address = 4;
UserSettings settings = 3;
message UserSettings {
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 2;
AuthnSettings authn = 3;
EmailSettings email_settings = 4;
SecurityPreferences security_preferences = 5;
message TagValue {
oneof val {
string string = 1;
int64 int64 = 2;
bool bool = 3;
map<string, TagValue> tags = 6;
message SecurityPreferences {
bool allow_password_login = 1;
bool is_2fa_enabled = 2;
bool notify_via_email = 3;
bool notify_via_sms = 4;
// Other message types elided for brevity
With the above message definitions, we might define a mask for GetUserResponse
that looks like so:
"id": {},
"name": {},
"settings": {
"lastUpdated": {},
"securityPreferences": {
"notifyViaEmail": {},
"notifyViaSms": {},
"is2faEnabled": {}
"tags": {
"string": {},
"int64": {},
"bool": {},
The structure/hierarchy of the mask matches the structure of the message
it is masking. The value is empty ({}
) for scalar fields. It can also
be empty for message fields if the client is interested in the presence
of a message field but not its contents (in which case the Knit response
will include an empty message).
With the above example, the response will not contain the email
fields of the GetUserResponse
; the created
, authn
, or
fields of UserSettings
; or the allow_password_login
field of SecurityPreferences
Note that repeated fields should provide a sub-mask if the element type is a nested message. Similarly, map fields must provide a sub-mask if the value type is a nested message (all keys are always returned; only values are masked).
Note that sub-masks are not used for fields whose message type is one of the following well-known types:
Most importantly, this means that masks are not applied to Any
A mask can indicate a special kind of field -- a field name that is not actually defined on the message in question. In such cases, the mask must also include parameters that are used to resolve the value of that field. If the field doesn't require any parameters then they can be omitted.
This special kind of field is called a "relation". It often comes up in SOA/micro-services architectures, where an attribute of an entity is actually retrieved via a separate RPC call.
Let's consider an example:
- We have a
that knows about the identities and settings for all end-users in our application. - We have a separate
that describes our inventory and describes all products available in our application. - We have an
that contains all orders created and their status.
When loading an order details page in our app's UI, we need to retrieve
user settings data from the UsersService
, the order details from the
, and product information about the items ordered from
the ProductsService
. We can fetch the user settings and order details
with a Knit query that batches those two RPCs. But the RPCs for
product details can't be included in the batch because the client doesn't
yet know what product IDs to query. Instead of the client having to do
multiple requests (one for user and order details, and then another query
for product details, built from the items in the order details response),
we can do this all in one request using a relation.
A relation is defined in Protobuf source using a special RPC method.
This method will be implemented by a server in order to actual provide
the resolve values for the relation. We know a method resolves a relation
because it has a custom option buf.knit.v1alpha1.relation
service OrderRelations {
rpc GetOrderProductDetails(GetOrderProductDetailsRequest)
returns (GetOrderProductDetailsResponse) {
// The presence of the (buf.knit.v1alpha1.relation) option tells us
// this method is used to resolve a relation. The relation is named
// "product_details" (or "productDetails" when converted to camel-case
// for TypeScript clients).
option (buf.knit.v1alpha1.relation).name = "product_details";
option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
message GetOrderProductDetailsRequest {
// All resolvers are "batch" resolver: they accept a batch of
// entities to resolve all in one RPC call. Thus this field
// is repeated. This first field indicates the type of entity
// into which the relation is injected. In this case, this
// product_details relation will be injected into an Order.
repeated Order bases = 1;
// Any other fields in the request are additional parameters
// that can be included in a Knit query that uses this relation.
int32 limit_num_products = 1;
message GetOrderProductDetailsResponse {
// We must use a repeated field here. Each entry in this field
// corresponds (in order) to an Order in the request.
repeated OrderResult values = 1;
message OrderResult {
// This is the field that gets injected into an Order entity.
repeated ProductDetails product_details = 1;
If we include a field named productDetails
in the mask of our Knit
query, the Knit gateway will invoke the above RPC to resolve the details
and include them in the response data for the Order
. How the value is
resolved is up to the method implementation.
This example shows a relation that has an additional parameter field. This
allows the Knit query to supply additional information that can be used by
the resolution logic. For example, here's a possible mask for the Order
"id": {},
"orderCreateDate": {},
"shippedDate": {},
"deliveredDate": {},
"orderState": {},
"productIds": {},
"productDetails": {
"$": {
"limitNumProducts": 10
In this case, the limitNumProducts
attribute in the query is used to
return only a subset of product details instead of all of them (which
may be valuable for orders with a very large number of products).
The Knit protocol relies heavily on the JSON mapping for Protobuf messages, even if the client is sending Knit queries in the Protobuf binary format. Masks are defined using names, not tag numbers, and relations are also indicated by name. This is done largely to simplify the web client and make JS bundle sizes vanishingly small.
But this does mean that fields in Protobuf sources cannot be renamed without breaking backwards-compatibility. And since the JSON format is used in some places, custom JSON names cannot be changed either.
Note that the default rules for breaking change detection
in the Buf CLI (i.e. buf breaking
) will suffice to prevent breakages as they
are more strict than simply verifying wire-format compatibility.
Knit is undergoing initial development and is not yet stable.
Offered under the Apache 2 license.