Thank you for this nice library. I'm having trouble understanding what exactly the numbers outputted in a benchmark mean. Let's take the example of which states:
benchmark name samples iterations est run time
mean low mean high mean
std dev low std dev high std dev
Fibonacci 35 100 145169 87.1014 ms
468 ns 464 ns 473 ns
21 ns 15 ns 34 ns
I think it would be really helpful, if that page described in detail for each of the nine numbers how they were computed. I can write a paragraph once I understood them myself but I was not able to do so using a Google search or by reading the code, which I found really hard to follow.
I guess the number of "samples" (100) and the number of "iterations" (145169) somehow combine with the "est run time" (87.1014 ms) to get the "mean" (468 ns). I do not see how. I tried
(87.1014 * 10**6)/(100*145169) = 6.0 != 468
(87.1014 * 10**6)/(145169) = 600.0 != 468
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