If you haven't heard of it before, or haven't looked into it much:
The Common Protection API is a Patbox library that allows easy interop for protection mods and mods like CC.
It abstracts checks for entity protection, area protection, block protection, etc.
Majority of claim mods on fabric register a provider with it to make it easy to use.
CC: Tweaked hasn't implemented any of the checks to see if it can do an action against the CPAPI, but it checks against spawn protection.
Ideally it should check against the CPAPI to prevent players from using turtles/modems to circumvent protection.
Second thing: FLAN Monitor Trust
FLAN, the most common protection mod (implementing CPAPI) has its own permission node system. CC should simply add a permission node and check to allow players to permit people to interact with monitors in their claim. An issue was made on their repo, but the maintainer said that this is something that would to be implemented on the CC side, as permissions are now data based. Note that this issue is for the turtle issue, but is applicable to mostly everything. CPAPI fixes majority, but not monitor trust.