Using the file system watch feature (great feature, thank you),
when the tile server is hosted on one linux machine, the tile generation is on a different linux machine, and the disk is an azure shared storage disk between them, mounted using cifs, the watcher gives errors such as the following, when the mtbile file has been overwritten on the generating server, and requests are happening through the client. we get 500 errors to the client for a period of time, with this in the logs, then it rights itself. I would have expected it to temporarily block the requests, but maybe it's struggling because it's network mounted storage?
(note the server generating the tiles does create the files in a staging folder on local storage first, then move then into the shared folder so I'm following what the documentation says about not creating the files in the watched folder)
Jul 09 04:25:02 testserver sh[2300230]: time="2024-07-09T04:25:02Z" level=error msg="cannot fetch tile from DB for z=7, x=62, y=86 at path /services/speed-heatmap/tiles/7/62/41.pbf: sqlite.Stmt.Step: SQLITE_CORRUPT: database disk image is malformed (select tile_data from tiles where zoom_level = $z and tile_column = $x and tile_row = $y)"