Client programs calls across to This program allows programmers using NodeJS to deploy ContractPen contracts to the accord project specification and will later allow for deploying the contract to the blockchain.
To compile coffeescript
npm run compile
ContractPen is a simple web user interface designed to allow people eventually to deploy legal contracts to the blockchain. The current goal is to integrate with the Accord Project as this project allows legal contract clauses to execute on the blockchain.
Although is currently closed source, it may become open source in the future. So in that spirit it is useful to encourage open source around the ContractPen API's and integration with other open source projects such as Accord Project.
I encourage you to build open source software around the legaltech software and integration with ContractPen data API's and to learn the Accord Project.
NodeJS v10.7.0 is the version I am using.
Accord Cicero and Accord Ergo by installing.
npm install -g @accordproject/cicero-cli
npm install -g @accordproject/ergo-cli
From these packages
- Coffeescript as the coffee command
Here the data in the ContractPen contract is transformed into a Cicero NodeJS program in a folder. The ContractPen contract in use is this one
Cicero project is a Accord Project library, the purpose of this client contractpen_node_client is to allow a Contracts data to be deployed to a Cicero NodeJS project.
This will take the data models as defined in the ContractPen contract and generate the Cicero data models as files with the extension of .cto in the models directory. Models are defined in the Models menu section of a ContractPen contract.
To run On Windows to deploy a ContractPen contract to a Cicero folder. This first parameter is the GUID of the contract at ContractPen, you can find that in the URL of the contract itself. There is a run.bat batch file.
run deploy b03d0879-1545-4ce9-bd08-7915457ce92c cicerofolder
This will create a folder called cicerofolder and generates a NodeJS project inside this folder. cicerofolder can be any folder name. The project will be similar to the Cicero HelloWorld project here
cd cicerofolder
In this folder you should be able to execute the following without errors.
npm install
cicero parse --template . --dsl sample.txt
cicero execute
The main class is in src/services directory.
You can see it is referenced in as
start = ->
setupServer = Setup.container.resolve 'SetupClient'
Some libraries are in use to try to help development within NodeJS.
Dependency injection
Graph library which is not really used in this project but is added