This is a patch version of graph-neural-pde resolve errors while running experiments on local environment. Providing with several visualization notebooks for visualising networks experiment on the project.
Dependencies (with python >= 3.8):
Main dependencies are
- torch==1.13.0
- torch-cluster==1.6.0
- torch-geometric==2.2.0
- torch-scatter==2.1.0
- torch-sparse==0.6.15
- torch-spline-conv==1.2.1
- torchdiffeq==0.2.3
Commands to install all the dependencies in a new conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate grand
pip install ogb pykeops
pip install torch==1.13.0
pip install torchdiffeq
pip install torch-scatter
pip install torch-sparse
pip install torch-cluster
pip install torch-spline-conv
pip install torch-geometric
There is a bug in torch-sparse==0.6.15 occur with Apple Silicon chips.
Resolve by running:
pip install git+
create a root level folder
This will be automatically populated the first time each experiment is run.
For example to run for Cora with random splits:
cd src
python --dataset Cora
- Attention Visualization is available on
- MNIST Visualization is available on