error "Failed to set current task contexttx is closed" is logged in table timetable.log when task is configured to be executed on external database.
The task is completed successfully, but an error is shown in the log.
The task from the example is executed every minute, but the behavior is the same for tasks that are started in some other periods.
If the task is defined in a way that it is executed on the same DB where is pg_timetable then there is no error in log.
ERROR message is between messages "Remote connection established..." and "Closing remote session".
Timetable database and external database is on same Postgres cluster.
Timetable version: pg_timetable:5.1
OS: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Postgres: PostgreSQL 11.11
database_connection is in format
All podman logs for one chain.
pg_timetable service