Describe the bug
Transaction id overflow (over max_int4 2147483647).
[ERROR] [sql:INSERT INTO timetable.execution_log (
chain_id, task_id, command, kind, last_run, finished, returncode, pid, output, client_name, txid)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, clock_timestamp() - $5 :: interval, clock_timestamp(), $6, $7, NULLIF($8, ''), $9, $10)] [args:[2 2 SELECT XXXXXX SQL 1.692292 seconds 0 1307515472 SELECT 1 test2 6630182314]] [err:failed to encode args[9]: unable to encode 6630182314 into binary format for int4 (OID 23): 6630182314 is greater than maximum value for int4] [pid:3286] [time:422.842µs]
I think the txid should be bigint instead of INTEGER type. I'd like to contribute but I not very sure about the methodology of migration in this project.