Expected behavior
Audio and video call to work.
Describe the bug (unexpected behavior)
Two way video call - both parties can see each other, but only one person can hear the other party.
Seems to be the case that it's device / OS specific. To elaborate further:
- Mac v mac : Ok
- iPhone 12 v iPhone 12 : Ok
- Mac v iPhone 15 : iPhone 15 unable to hear audio
- iPhone 12 v iPhone 15 : iPhone 15 unable to hear audio
- iPhone 12 v mac : Ok
For items with iPhone 15, we tried it using both iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro.
Both running iOS 18, details below.
System information
Devices used:
- Macbook pro: Apple M1 Pro
- iPhone 15: iOS 18.0
- iPhone 15 Pro: iOs 18.1 beta
- iPhone 12: iOS 17.7
Additional context
We're doing a 2 way video call with daily private room.
It seems to be working fine until 2 days ago, 9/29 but it's not working since yesterday 9/30.