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Releases: daily-co/daily-js


06 Mar 18:23
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  • Upgraded noise cancellation library, Krisp, to latest version (v2.2.1)


  • Fixed an issue introduced in 0.75.0 where switching from a custom track back to a daily managed track using setInputDevicesAsync() did not work.
  • Fixed iceTransportPolicy property being ignored in versions 0.73.0-0.75.0.

Other improvements

  • Added missing enable_dialout field to DailyRoomInfo in typescript definitions.


14 Feb 21:59
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  • Fixed an issue that would cause the system to get a new video track unnecessarily.


13 Feb 19:47
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  • Fixed issues preventing default video constraints from being applied.
  • Removed benign console error that would occur if setInputSettingsAsync() was called with a null deviceId.


07 Feb 20:41
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  • The Participant payload’s participantType now reports sip-dial-in, sip-dial-out, pstn-dial-in and pstn-dial-out for participants connected via dial-in/out.
  • Added a new streaming config to support audio-only recording for raw-tracks; raw-tracks-audio-only. Note: When choosing this layout, you can not switch from audio-only to audio+video. A new recording would be required.
  • daily-js now supports using updateInputSettings() to dynamically customize track constraints. This change deprecates advanced call property options userMediaAudioConstraints and userMediaVideoConstraints as well as the trackConstraints option in setBandwidth(). See docs for details (will be updated shortly)


  • Fixed Issue #39: ondevicechange not defined on some systems
  • Fixed issues surrounding track-started/track-stopped events where you could end up with both extra events as well as false positive track-started events when muting the camera and microphone back-to-back.
  • Fixed an issue with Krisp where we were not properly handling exception thrown on setup
  • Fixes an issue with custom tracks where a track-stopped event would not be emitted if  stop() is called on the track before setLocalVideo(false)

Other improvements

  • Updated internal REST apis to use native utilities for performing the requests
  • Updated Banuba video processing library.
  • Previously, if a track-stopped event was triggered due to a participant leaving, the event would not include the participant info for the left participant. These events now include the last known info for that participant.


02 Jan 21:09
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Bugfixes 🎊

  • Fix Krisp error handling.
  • New error message when attempting to enable Krisp in unsupported browser.
  • Fix bad logic around determining support for audio processing in Safari.
  • Better handling for errors testCallQuality().

Other improvements 🎉

  • No longer warn in logs when using Adaptive Bitrate. Adaptive Bitrate is a good thing.
  • Add sessionId to the dialin-* events (to be similar to dialout-* events).


31 Oct 18:21
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Features 🎃

  • Added a new visualState option for customTrayButtons in embedded Prebuilt. For details on how to use this feature, see the customTrayButtons properties documentation.
  • Introduces client-side support for the pre-beta feature of automatic recover of recordings and streaming during a meeting move. If interested in helping us test this feature, reach out to [email protected] for how to enable it on your domain.

Bugfixes 🧟

  • Fixed a timing issue where a call toleave() might be ignored if it was called too soon after the call to join()
  • Fixed an issue introduced with Chrome 129 where Chrome began throwing OverConstrained errors if the deviceId did not match an existing device and would ignore the deviceId if it wasn’t set as exact
  • For Safari 17.0-17.3, fixed an issue where these versions would report the ability to support audio processing when in reality they did not.
  • Fixed an issue where resources were loaded from Daily's QA server if the request was made after a call to startCamera() without providing a url and before join() or preAuth().

Other improvements 👻

  • Updated dependencies, including Sentry, to resolve security vulnerabilities. Note: the Sentry upgrade required a change to how we use Sentry. Our usage should not interfere or bleed into customer Sentry and visa versa. Please reach out to [email protected] if you see otherwise.
  • Changed logging surrounding updateParticipant(s)() failures to only log as errors when the failure is due to permissions or some other error and not because the participant was not recognized. These failures are red herrings and inconsequential. Read: You should see far fewer update can't be applied errors in your dashboard logs 🙂
  • Removed old device handling logic. If you were still using the v2CamAndMic flag, this flag is now a no-op and all clients are on v2.
  • Fixed an issue where the callQualityTest() would fail if the user's local clock was behind the server's by more than a minute.


30 Oct 19:06
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  • Fix: Fixed an issue where resources were loaded from Daily's QA server if the request was made after a call to startCamera() without providing a url and before join() or preAuth().


04 Oct 16:55
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  • Fixed an issue where a call to leave immediately after join can be ignored
  • Fixed Chrome 129 issue in case we were receiving invalid deviceId


26 Sep 00:35
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  • Fixed the camera zoom issue that occurred in Portrait mode specifically when using Chrome or within a webview on iOS 16.
  • Fixed issue in Chrome 129 that could prevent some users from changing microphone and camera devices.


12 Sep 20:03
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  • Implemented a new ability to transcribe a subset of participants along with the ability to initiate multiple simultaneous transcription. This opens up transcription to work with use cases like breakout rooms or spatial applications where you only want to transcribe participants in the same vicinity. All transcriptions are now associated with an instanceId much like recordings or streamings with the ability to call updateTranscription() for changing the list of participants that should be transcribed. For more information, check out our updated guide.
  • startDialOut() now supports setting a userId that gets associated with all dial out events
  • Added a new test-completed event that gets emitted whenever a pre-join test has completed, providing a way for accessing the results asynchronously. This also provides a way for Daily Prebuilt customers to access the results of the call quality test that gets run as part of its prejoin UI. Check out the docs for more info.


  • Fixed issue on older Safari (< 17) where supportedBrowser() would incorrectly claim support for video processing.
  • Fixed issue with background processing where the raw background would appear for a brief moment when switching between backgrounds.

Other improvements

  • Added support for AppleWebKit/605.1.15 user agent
  • Improved the logging surrounding Krisp initialization errors