PGN with Jax implementation and NeurIPS 2020 paper____
├─Message-Passing Neural Network (MPNN) for Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs)____
│ ├─■──"Applying Triplet Message Passing with HK Transforms in MPNN for Graph Neural Networks"____ ── Topic: 20
│ └─■──Implementation of Deep Sets (Zaheer et al., NeurIPS 2017) using adjacency matrices and memory networ ── Topic: 13
└─GATv2 Graph Attention Network with adjustable sizes of multi-head attention and residual connections
├─■──Graph Attention Network v2 architecture with adjustable head number and output size.____ ── Topic: 36
└─■──Processor factory with various models and configurations____ ── Topic: 25