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Build Workflow Status Vulncheck Workflow Status Latest Release Commits Since Latest Release

Glance at the results of the last 3 runs of your Github Actions.


💾 Installation


brew install dhth/tap/act3


go install

Or get the binary directly from a release. Read more about verifying the authenticity of released artifacts here.

🔑 Authentication

You can have act3 make authenticated calls to GitHub on your behalf in either of two ways:

  • Have an authenticated instance of gh available (recommended).
  • Provide a valid Github token via $GH_TOKEN, which has the following permissions for the repos you want to query data for.
    • actions:read
    • checks:read

⚡️ Usage

Basic Usage

  act3 [flags]

  -c string                       path of the config file (default "/Users/user/.config/act3/act3.yml")
  -f string                       output format to use; possible values: default, table, html (default "default")
  -t string                       path of the HTML template file to use
  -r string                       repo to fetch worflows for, in the format "owner/repo"
  -g bool                         whether to use workflows defined globally via the config file (default false)
  -o bool                         whether to open failed workflows (via your OS's "open" command) (default false)
  -h, --help                      help for act3

By default, act3 will show results for the repository associated with the current directory. Simply run act3 from the project root.

You can also specify a repository to fetch results for using the -r flag.

act3 -r neovim/neovim

Specific Workflows

You can also fetch results for specific workflows using a config file, that looks like the following.


- id: W_kwDOLkC0eM4FaKV_
  repo: dhth/act3
  name: build
- id: W_kwDOLkC0eM4FaKWA
  repo: dhth/act3
  name: release

- id: W_kwDOLb3Pms4FRxjX
  repo: dhth/cueitup
  name: build
- id: W_kwDOLb3Pms4FRxjY
  repo: dhth/cueitup
  name: release

- id: W_kwDOLghtl84FWTlZ
  repo: dhth/ecsv
  name: build
- id: W_kwDOLghtl84FWTla
  repo: dhth/ecsv
  name: release

{{runNumber}} gets replaced with the actual run number of the workflow.

You can find the ID of a workflow as follows:

curl -L \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <GH_TOKEN>" \
  -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \<OWNER>/<REPO>/actions/workflows

# or

gh api repos/<OWNER>/<REPO>/actions/workflows

# use node_id from the response

Tabular output

act3 can also output results in a tabular format.

act3 -f table


HTML output

act3 can also output results in HTML format. You can also specify a template using the -t flag (refer to ./internal/ui/assets/template.html for the default template.)

act3 -f html

The resultant HTML page looks like this.


A sample page generated via act3 is running at

🔐 Verifying release artifacts

In case you get the act3 binary directly from a release, you may want to verify its authenticity. Checksums are applied to all released artifacts, and the resulting checksum file is signed using cosign.

Steps to verify (replace x.y.z in the commands listed below with the version you want):

  1. Download the following files from the release:

    • act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt
    • act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt.pem
    • act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt.sig
  2. Verify the signature:

    cosign verify-blob act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt \
        --certificate act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt.pem \
        --signature act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt.sig \
        --certificate-identity-regexp 'https://github\.com/dhth/act3/\.github/workflows/.+' \
        --certificate-oidc-issuer ""
  3. Download the compressed archive you want, and validate its checksum:

    curl -sSLO
    sha256sum --ignore-missing -c act3_x.y.z_checksums.txt
  4. If checksum validation goes through, uncompress the archive:

    tar -xzf act3_x.y.z_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    # profit!