Let us know which projects, people, demos, or other ideas you have for the show! This is the community standup, so we want to feature you, your ideas, and your projects! Comment on this issue and we'll update the list here with suggestions.
Guest/theme suggestions
- AutoMapper
- Provider writers! Get all the provider writers around a round table, and talk about what it's like to write a provider etc.
- Invite SqlClient team to show Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.0 and discuss roadmap and open sourcing experience.
- SQLite day featuring
- System.Data.SQLite (mistachkin)
- SQLite-net (praeclarum)
- SQLitePCLRaw (ericsink)
- SQLite Toolbox (ErikEJ)
- Dive deep into spatial data with NetTopologySuite (airbreather & FObermaier)
- Scheduled! See Sept 30th 2020 - Geographic Data with NetTopologySuite
- ArcGIS (dotMorten)
- @Mimetis - Show us DotMim.Sync
- @tonysneed - Trackable Entities and Handlebars
Demos you would like to see
- Many to many demo
- ToQueryString
- Index Fill Factor
- Partition Keys (Cosmos)
- How to configure single query VS multi query (when available) to load related entities
- EF value conversions (for enums and timestamp), and other gRPC best practices
- How to manage context lifetime and disposal