Memdump is a set of (basic) tools to create and manipulate Ruby object dumps.
Since Ruby 2.1, ObjectSpace can be dumped in a JSON file that represents all allocated objects and their relationships. It is a gold mine of information if you want to understand why your application has that many objects and/or a memory leak.
Processing methods are available as a library, or using the memdump
command-line tool. Just run memdump help
for a summary of operations.
NOTE running memdump under jruby really reduces processing times... If you're using rbenv, just do
rbenv shell jruby-
in the shell where you run the memdump commands.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'memdump'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install memdump
The memdump command-line tool can connect to a process where
the excellent rbtrace has been required. Just
start your Ruby application with -r rbtrace
, e.g.
ruby -rrbtrace -S syskit run
and find out the process PID using e.g. top or ps (in the following, I assume that the PID is 1234)
Memory dumps are then created with
memdump dump 1234 /tmp/mydump
Since dump_all
requires very long, the rbtrace client will return before the
end of the dump with *** timed out waiting for eval response
. Check your
application's output for a line saying sendto(14): No such file or directory [detaching]
Additionally, you might want to enable allocation tracing, which adds to the dump the line/file of the point where the object got allocated but is also very costly from a performance point of view, do
memdump enable-allocation-trace 1234
It is sometimes more beneficial to do the dumps in specific places
in your application, something the rbtrace method does not allow you to do. In
this case, create memory dumps by calling ObjectSpace.dump_all
require 'objspace''/path/to/dump/file', 'w') do |io|
ObjectSpace.dump_all(output: io)
Allocation tracing is enabled with
require 'objspace'
The first thing you will probably want to do is to run the replace-class command on the dump. It replaces the class attribute, which in the original dump is the reference to the class object, by the class name. This makes reading the dump a lot easier.
memdump replace-class /tmp/mydump
The most basic analysis is done by running stats, which outputs the object count by class. For memory leaks, the diff command allows you to output the part of the graph that involves new objects (removing the "old-and-not-referred-to-by-new")
Beyond, this analyzing the dump is best done through the interactive mode:
memdump interactive /tmp/mydump
will get you a pry shell in the context of the loaded MemoryDump object. Use
the MemoryDump API to filter out what you need. If you're dealing with big dumps,
it is usually a good idea to save them regularly with #dump
One useful call to do at the beginning is #common_cleanup. It collapses the common collections (Array, Set, Hash) as well as internal bookkeeping objects (ICLASS, …). I usually run this, save the result and re-load the result (which is usually significantly smaller).
After, the usual process is to find out which non-standard classes are
unexpectedly present in high numbers using stats
, extract the objects from
these classes with dump = objects_of_class('classname')
and the subgraph that
keeps them alive with roots_of(dump)
# Get the subgraph of all objects whose class name matches /Plan/ and export
# it to GML to process with Gephi (see below)
parent_dump, _ = roots_of(objects_of_class(/Plan/))
Once you start filtering dumps, don't forget to simplify your life by cd
in the context of the newly filtered dumps
Beyond that, I usually go back and forth between the memory dump and
gephi, a graph analysis application. to_gml
allows to
convert the memory dump into a graph format that gephi can import. From there,
use gephi's layouting and filtering algorithms to get an idea of the shape of
the dump. Note that you need to first get a graph smaller than a few 10k of objects
before you can use gephi.
One powerful way to find out where memory is leaked is to look at objects that got allocated and find the interface between the long-term objects and these objects. memdump supports this by computing diffs.
If you mean to use dump diffs you MUST enable allocation tracing. Not doing so will make the diffs inaccurate, as memdump will not be able to recognize that some object addresses have been reused after a garbage collection.
Let's assume that we have a "before.json" and "after.json" dumps. Start an interactive
shell loading before
memdump interactive before.json
Then, in the shell, let's load the after dump
> after = MemDump::JSONDump.load('after.json')
The set of objects that are in after
and before
is given by #diff
d = diff(after)
We'll also add a special marker to the records in d
so that we can easily colorize
them differently in Gephi.
d = { |r| r['in_after'] = 1; r }
One possibility is that there are only a few objects in the diff that are kept
alive from before
. These objects in turn keep alive a lot more objects (which
cause the noticeable memory leak). What's interesting in this case is to
visualize the interface, that is that set of objects.
In memdump, one computes it with the interface_with
method, which computes the
interface between the receiver and the argument. The receiver must contain the
edges between itself and the argument, which means in our case that we must use
self_border, diff_border = after.interface_with(d)
In addition to computing the border, it computes the count of objects that are
kept alive by each object in diff_border
. Each record in diff_border
has an
attribute called keepalive_count
that counts the amount of nodes in after
that are reachable (i.e. kept alive by) it. It is usually a good idea to
visualize the distribution of keepalive_count
to see whether there's indeed
only a few nodes, and whether some are keeping a lot more objects alive than
others. Note that cycles that involve more than one "border node" will be
counted multiple ones (so the sum of keepalive_count
will be higher than
diff_border.size # is this much smaller than d.size ? { |r| r['keepalive_count'] }.sort.reverse # are there some high counts at the top ?
From there, one needs to do a bunch of back-and-forth between memdump and Gephi. What I usually do is start by dumping the whole subgraph that contains the border and visualize. If I can't make any sense of it, I isolate the high-count elements in the border and visualize the related subgraph
full_subgraph = after.roots_of(diff_border)
full_subgraph.to_gml 'full.gml'
filtered_border = diff_border.find_all { |r| r['keepalive_count'] > 1000 }
filtered_subgraph = after.roots_of(filtered_border)
filtered_subgraph.to_gml 'filtered.gml'
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.