The S-meter again corresponds to the short wave (HF) range up to 30 MHz, but the main function of this radio is to work on the ultra-short wave (VHF/UHF) range of 145 MHz and 430 MHz, this is clearly higher than 30 MHz, which means the table should be for ultra-short waves (VHF/UHF), as was implemented in firmware v.17.
from :
"The IARU Region 1 recommends the use of the "S"-system for signal strength reporting on the amateur bands, based on the following standards:
(a) One S-point corresponds to a level difference of 6dB.
(b) On the bands below 30 MHz a meter deviation of S-9 correspond to an available power of a CW signal generator connected to the receiver input terminals, of -73dBm.
(c) On the bands above 30 MHz this power shall be -93dBm"
from :
"The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 agreed on a technical recommendation for S Meter calibration for HF and VHF/UHF transceivers in 1981. IARU Region 1 Technical Recommendation R.1 defines S9 for the HF bands to be a receiver input power of -73 dBm. This is a level of 50 microvolts at the receiver's antenna input assuming the input impedance of the receiver is 50 ohms.
For VHF bands the recommendation defines S9 to be a receiver input power of -93 dBm."