What do you need help with?
I can't get write_correlations to work. It gives me the following error (I have not set the parallel option)
I tried copying over the functions from source code with print statements, but I'm still having trouble pinpointing the error.
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[132], line 5
1 #from eqcorrscan.utils.catalog_to_dd import *
2 #import eqcorrscan
3 #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 #import scipy
----> 5 event_id_mapper=write_correlations(catalog_trunc, sdict, 5.0, 0.5, 2.0,event_id_mapper=event_id_map,lowcut=8.0,highcut=20.0)
File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/mtspec/lib/python3.8/site-packages/eqcorrscan/utils/, in write_correlations(catalog, stream_dict, extract_len, pre_pick, shift_len, event_id_mapper, lowcut, highcut, max_sep, min_link, min_cc, interpolate, all_horiz, max_workers, parallel_process, weight_by_square, *args, **kwargs)
911 for key in stream_dict.keys():
912 processed_stream_dict.update(_meta_filter_stream(
913 stream_dict=stream_dict, lowcut=lowcut, highcut=highcut,
914 event_id=key))
--> 915 correlation_times, event_id_mapper = compute_differential_times(
916 catalog=catalog, correlation=True, event_id_mapper=event_id_mapper,
917 max_sep=max_sep, min_link=min_link, max_workers=max_workers,
918 stream_dict=processed_stream_dict, min_cc=min_cc,
919 extract_len=extract_len, pre_pick=pre_pick, shift_len=shift_len,
920 interpolate=interpolate, all_horiz=all_horiz,
921 weight_by_square=weight_by_square, **kwargs)
922 with open("", "w") as f:
923 for master_id, linked_events in correlation_times.items():
File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/mtspec/lib/python3.8/site-packages/eqcorrscan/utils/, in compute_differential_times(catalog, correlation, stream_dict, event_id_mapper, max_sep, min_link, min_cc, extract_len, pre_pick, shift_len, interpolate, all_horiz, max_workers, max_trace_workers, use_shared_memory, weight_by_square, *args, **kwargs)
702 results = [
703 pool.apply_async(
704 _compute_dt_correlations,
708 if str(master.resource_id) in additional_args[
709 "stream_dict"].keys()]
710'Submitted asynchronous jobs to workers.')
--> 711 differential_times = {
712 master.resource_id: result.get()
713 for master, result in zip(sparse_catalog, results)
714 if str(master.resource_id) in additional_args[
715 "stream_dict"].keys()}
716 Logger.debug('Got results from workers.')
717 # Destroy shared memory
File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/mtspec/lib/python3.8/site-packages/eqcorrscan/utils/, in <dictcomp>(.0)
702 results = [
703 pool.apply_async(
704 _compute_dt_correlations,
708 if str(master.resource_id) in additional_args[
709 "stream_dict"].keys()]
710'Submitted asynchronous jobs to workers.')
711 differential_times = {
--> 712 master.resource_id: result.get()
713 for master, result in zip(sparse_catalog, results)
714 if str(master.resource_id) in additional_args[
715 "stream_dict"].keys()}
716 Logger.debug('Got results from workers.')
717 # Destroy shared memory
File ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/mtspec/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/, in ApplyResult.get(self, timeout)
769 return self._value
770 else:
--> 771 raise self._value
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 4)
Provide an example so that we can reproduce your problem
my code is
catalog_trunc, sdict, 5.0, 0.5, 2.0,event_id_mapper=event_id_map,
where catalog is an Obspy catalog object,
sdict is a dict of streams (i.e. {'resource_id': stream with 85 traces}) <- I have all stations within one trace for each event and I hope that's correct
event_id_map is a dict of ids (i.e. {'resource_id': event_id})
What help would you like?
I'm not sure why this code isn't working, and I'm not sure if it's an error with the format of my inputs or something else.
What is your setup? (please complete the following information):**
- Operating System: Mac OSX Silicon
- Python version: 3.12
- EQcorrscan version: 0.5.0 (newest?)
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