eqcorrscan 0.5.0
obspy version 1.4.1
numpy version 1.26.4
Describe the bug
I am trying to save my progress and I couldn't use the write() and read() feature on any party so far. I use party.write('filename') to get the file, I have checked that the file is created and it is some MB in size so I suspect the problem is not there. But when I tried to used party = Party().read('filename') it takes some minutes to run but at the end i get an empty party with 0 families,
To Reproduce
This problem happens every time I try to read a party.
so, far I only get 'Party of 0 Families' after printing the party. No error message
Expected behavior
I expect to recover the party with all its attributes.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- Operating System: Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian)
- Python version: Python 3.11.8
- EQcorrscan version: eqcorrscan 0.5.0
Additional context
The way around I am ussing is to dump the parties into pickles. I am aware this is also an option with write() and read() but seems to not work like that
import pickle
pkl_output = open("party.pkl", 'wb')
pickle.dump(party, pkl_output)
import pickle with open('party_declust.pkl', 'rb') as f: party = pickle.load(f)