This issue is being used to track what roughly will be placed in the docs, subject to change.
We can split the documentation into two parts; cryptography/technical aspects and ethereum specific topics.
This documentation will for the most part, focus on the cryptography and only allude or expand on ethereum specific topics when it directly affects the technical aspects.
For the technical aspects, some categories I think will be useful:
- Overview
- Opening proof, PCS
- Test Vectors
- Implementations
- Optimisations - Eg. Recomputing commitment without computing every value, precomputing CRS points for scalar multiplication
- Overview is needed to provide a narrative for the rest of the chapters, so things do not seem random.
- It may be helpful to start off with a non-optimised easy to understand implementation and then iterate to what we have now.
- Each chapter should also have a summary section, where we say what functionality the concept provides. So for PCS, the summary may say something like "This allows us to commit to a vector and produce short proofs of the values in that vector using it's commitment"
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